At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 29th March 2017 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mrs Norma Kelly, Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Libby MacDonald and Miss Ealasaid Mackay.
Apologies were received from Mrs Valerie Cameron and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
Apologies were also received from Mr Russell Anderson and Mrs Marjorie Drysdale.
The minutes of the meeting of 22nd February 2017 were approved
Proposed by Mrs Libby MacDonald
Seconded by Mr David Logue
Rev Acklam confirmed that he had the matter in hand and would report further in due course.
Email from Christian Publishing & Outreach (CPO)
A new book entitled “Who Do You Say I Am ?” is available for distribution at Easter services. From the producers of “The Servant Queen “, the cost is £11.50 for 10 copies. It was agreed that Mrs L Logue would order 100 copies immediately.
Email from Church of Scotland Panel on Review & Reform
An invitation for a further 40 congregations to join in the Path of Renewal pilot project. Applications to be in by 31st May 2017. The Session Clerk will forward this email to members of Kirk Session for further consideration.
The Big Lunch
Mrs L Logue had received a pack in respect of this year’s Big Lunch. The date is 18th June but this can be flexible. We will give more thought to the matter and come to a decision before the next meeting of Session.
Invitation from Glassary, Kilmartin & Ford Parish
We are invited to participate in a joint service in Kilmartin Church on Sunday, 18th June 2017 at 11.00 am. It was agreed that this invitation would be accepted.
Rev Acklam reported that he was happy to see the progress being made by the Alpha group in Achnamara. He noted that there was to be a Presbytery Dementia training day in Tarbert Village Hall on Saturday 29th April 2017 and recommended attendance by elders. Past sermons are now available on our church website.
Mrs Norma Kelly advised that Christian Aid Week would run from 14th to 20th May 2017.
It was agreed that our response to the East African Crisis would be channeled through Christian Aid to the Disaster Emergency Committee. It is understood that as at 26th March 2017, a total of £36 million has been raised with the first £10 million being matched pound for pound by the UK government.
Mr D Logue advised that the Safeguarding Register and SG11 were up to date.
Six persons now hold PVG registration. The Session Clerk advised that Session Minutes should contain a record of at least two meetings of the Congregational Safeguarding Panel.
The next meeting of the Mission committee is to be held in Kilmartin on 4th April 2017.
Mrs L Logue submitted the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on 29th March 2017 ; attached as Appendix 1. Inter Alia, a sum of £150,000 has been committed to the purchase of Growth Fund units as approved at the last Stated Annual Meeting of the Congregation.
There followed some discussion on the best use of approximately £40,000 of unrestricted funds which we hold. Suggestions included running a Messy Cafe as a follow up to Messy Church for older children and possible subsidies to send children to Holiday Club. Mrs Kelly to report back on the Holiday Club.
In the Fabric Convenor’s absence, Mr A Cameron confirmed that the new access ramp was now installed at Bellanoch Church.
He also confirmed the following as contained in the Fabric Convenor’s Annual Report
Inverlussa Church
The recommendations of the Electrical Report would not be actioned until the future of the building was clearer.
Tayvallich Church
The mains water supply should be connected by the end of April.
Electrical recommendations – Robert Fletcher, Electrician to provide quotation for works.
Bellanoch Church
Collapsed east boundary wall has been repaired.
Grass cutting to be contracted out.
Electrical recommendations – Robert Fletcher, Electrician to provide quotation for works.
The Safeguarding Register was received.
Easter Retiring Offering
In view of the current situation, it was agreed that the offering will be for the East Africa Africa Crisis Appeal and not Children’s Hospice Association Scotland as previously agreed.
Evening Services will again be held on the following dates
14th May 2017
18th June 2017
9th July 2017
20th August 2017
17th September 2017
All services will include informal communion and will be held in Tayvallich Church at 6.30 pm. .
A Joint Service will be held with Glassary, Kilmartin and Ford Parish in Kilmartin Church on 18th June 2017 at 11.00 am.
Alpha Course
Mr D Logue reported that the course was going well with five meetings having been held and attendances of between seven and nine persons. He was pleased that Cafe Connect had laid the foundation for this initiative in Achnamara.
Messy Church
There was some discussion regarding the lower numbers at Kilmartin meetings.
It was hoped that there could be increased engagement with Glassary School.
An activity within the end of term service was suggested as a possible starting point. Rev Acklam to action.
Cafe Connect
Continues to do well with good attendances.
Mrs L MacDonald reminded members that we have a Coffee Morning on Saturday 8th April 2017 from 10.30 am until noon in Tayvallich Hall.
The date of the next meeting will be 24th May 2017 at 7.30pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.
…………………………………………………………….. Rev Clifford Acklam
……………………………………………………………….. Alan Cameron
Session Clerk