Tayvallich Hall Thursday 5 October 4 – 6 pm
Hot meal, activities, crafts, construction, story, song, prayer.
This year we are going to learn about the people Jesus met, starting with John the Baptist. Do you think we can re create the river Jordan in Tayvallich Hall?
Monthly Archives: September 2017
Kirk Session minutes 15 August 2017
At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 15th August 2017 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Fabric Convenor, Mr Russell Anderson, Elders, Mrs Valerie Cameron,
Mrs Norma Kelly, Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Libby MacDonald, Miss Ealasaid Mackay and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
None were received
The minutes of the meeting of 20th June 2017 were approved Proposed by Mrs Louise Logue
Seconded by Mrs Libby MacDonald
Holiday Club Benmore – Two local children have attended the Glen Coe Centre fifty per cent funded by this congregation. Mrs Logue had contacted other local families with church connection but no one was free to attend Benmore this summer. It is hoped that children from this parish will be able to participate in 2018.
Mr & Mrs XXXXX have again written requesting that they be allowed to purchase a house building plot on the glebe at Inverlussa. This case was considered and rejected by Kirk Session on 4th October 2016. The request was again fully considered and it was agreed that no land is for sale. The Session Clerk will advise the enquirers of this decision.
A meeting took place at Inverlussa on 2nd August 2017 between office bearers and the convenors of the Presbytery Property, Business and Ministry Committees. Rev Lindsay Schluter, Convenor of the Presbytery Property Committee, advised that Presbytery’s decision to instruct the congregation to sell Inverlussa could be revisited. There would, however, have to be a strong case for the retention of the building and the following reports would have to be commissioned in time for the November meeting of the Presbytery Property Committee.
* A report by a conservation architect
* A report by a structural engineer
* A rot infestation report
* A heating survey
* Full costings for making the building Disability Discrimination Act compliant including the provision of an appropriate toilet facility.
* An electrical report
* A draft business plan for the future use of the building.
If the building were to be offered for sale, it may be possible to continue using it as the General Trustees are currently looking at trials whereby a building could continue in use until a short time before completion of a sale. The General Trustees department have also confirmed that we own only the building and ground below it (the footprint of the building). We do not own the graveyard or the boundary walls. The General Trustees had also advised that under the main Grants Scheme any church building being considered would have to be guaranteed to remain a Place of Worship for fifteen years within the Presbytery plan. It was clear that the level of repair now required would cost far in excess of the sum for which we had originally budgeted in 2013. Having considered the foregoing information, Session moved to a vote on the future of the Inverlussa Church building.
The Motion “This Kirk Session wishes to proceed with the sale of Inverlussa Church building.”
FOR the Motion – 6
AGAINST the Motion – 2
Abstentions – 2
The motion was therefore carried. The Session Clerk will advise the Presbytery Property Convenor.
A report on the condition of the roof structure has been commissioned from Argyll Roofing. On receipt of this report, a decision will be made on whether it will be appropriate to continue to use the building pending sale.
Rev Acklam outlined the work which he had been doing during his study leave. This involved intensive study of the Art of Transitional Ministry with the Presbyterian Church of USA.
Mrs Norma Kelly commented that she was very happy with the results of Christian Aid Week 2017 and that further sums over and above the £700 recorded had been sent direct to Christian Aid by contributors.
Nothing to report.
Presbytery representatives visited Inverlussa Church on 2nd August 2017.
Mrs L Logue was pleased to report that Gift Aid had been recovered for the tax year ended April 2017 and also that two years worth of Gift Aid under the Small Gifts Scheme had been recovered.
Mr R Anderson reported that the new water supply to Tayvallich Church should be completed very soon as the contract had now been placed with D A MacDonald, Contractors. Plumbers will also be engaged to check that valves and pipe joints suit mains pressure and the under basin water heater will also be repaired or replaced.
The bell at Bellanoch Church is still to be repaired.
Mr D Logue reminded us that there is a one day conference in Stirling on 23rd September and that he would have spare seats in his car. The event is being organised by the Church of Scotland, Messy Church Scotland and Stirling Presbytery. Issues to be addressed include maturing Messy Church discipline families, borrowing from our church traditions and inter-generational church. Speakers will include Lucy Moore, the founder of Messy Church.
Harvest Celebration will be held on 24th September in Tayvallich Church.
Evening Services will be held in Tayvallich Church at 6.30 pm on
Sunday 20th August 2017
Sunday 17th September 2017
Messy Church
Meetings will start in October. A planning meeting will be held in Tayvallich Church at 7.00 pm on Thursday 21st September 2017.
Alpha Course
Mr & Mrs Logue propose to run another course in October again in Achnamara.
Cafe Connect
We are short of helpers for Saturday 2nd September. Volunteers sought.
The next issue of Life and Work will be distributed by Mrs L MacDonald.
The date of the next meeting will be 26th September 2017 at 7.30pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.
Kirk session minutes 20 June 2017
At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 20th June 2017 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mrs Valerie Cameron Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Libby MacDonald and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
Also present were Mrs Rona Blythe, Mrs Marjorie Drysdale and Mr Ted Self.
Apologies were received from Mrs Norma Kelly and Miss Ealasaid Mackay
The minutes of the meeting of 24th May 2017 were approved Proposed by Mrs Libby MacDonald
Seconded by Mr David Logue
Holiday Club Benmore – Mrs L Logue is, as previously agreed, making contact with families with children in the correct age group and with church connection. The cost of the holiday is £300 per person reduced to £150 after subsidy from the Augusta Lamont Bequest.
Email from Presbytery with regard to Inverlussa Church. A meeting between office bearers and the convenors of the Presbytery Property, Business and Ministry Committees is to take place on 2nd August 2017 at 7.00 pm in Inverlussa Church.
Rev Acklam asked that anyone who may be interested in assisting with services at Ardfenaig should contact him. He will keep in contact with Tayvallich School as there will be a change in head teacher after the summer break. He was happy with the joint service at Kilmartin on 18th June and thanked all those from North Knapdale who had attended. The evening service at Tayvallich was well attended.
Christian Aid Week 2017 collections totalled £700.
Nothing to report.
The quarterly meeting was held in Oban on 6th June 2017. The new Moderator, Rev Dugald Cameron was installed.
Mrs L Logue is to work with Mrs Kim Ritchie on the reclaim of outstanding Gift Aid.
There was no report. It was however noted that the mains water connection to Tayvallich Church was still not completed.
The new external noticeboard for Tayvallich Church has been purchased.
Representative Elder
The Kirk Session appointed Mrs Norma Kelly a bone fide acting elder of the Congregation to represent them in The Presbytery of Argyll during the year ending 30th June 2018.
9th July 2017 Evening Worship will be held in Tayvallich Church at 6.30 pm.
Pulpit Supply
On the following dates worship will be led by
Mr James MacLellan 16th July 2017 in Tayvallich Church
Mr James Malcolm 23rd July 2017 in Bellanoch Church
Mr James Malcolm 30th July 2017 in Tayvallich Church
Mr David Logue 6th August 2017 in Inverlussa Church
Messy Church
The picnic had been very well supported but was held in Tayvallich Hall due to wet weather.
No further progress on activities for older children.
Cafe Connect
There will be no Cafe Connect on Saturday 22nd July 2017.
Going for Growth Summer School
The presentation by Mr and Mrs D Logue was postponed until a later date.
Mr and Mrs D Logue had attended the Elders’ Training day held in Tarbert on 17th June 2017 and made a presentation to the Kirk Session with the aid of slides. The day had focused on leadership and the role of elders in reshaping the church. Details of the presentation will be distributed separately.
There was no further business.
The date of the next meeting will be 15th August 2017 at 7.30pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.
It’s alpha time again!
Try this out at Achnamara Hall
Friday 29 September at 7 pm – Soup and Desserts followed by a DVD and discussions
Or Saturday 30 September at 1 pm – Soup and Cake followed by a DVD and discussions
Who’s it for? – Alpha is for anyone who’s curious. The talks are designed to encourage conversation and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. No question is out of bounds and you are free to discuss as much or as little as you wish.
How does it work? – Alpha is 11 sessions with the option of a day away in the middle. Each session includes a meal, a short DVD and a discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts. At any point, if you think Alpha is not for you, that’s not a problem. There’s no pressure, no follow up and no charge.
Why taste and see? – it’s just that – come along and try the first session and see what you think. If you like it we’ll organise more sessions, if not, no pressure, no follow up.
Pilgrim walk
In September, Ron’s Ramblers are planning to be the first group of walkers to pioneer a new long distance walk through Mid-Argyll called the Columba Route. The Heart of Argyll Tourism Alliance has already registered the route with the Scottish Pilgrim Routes Forum as a Pilgrimage Walk, linking the Kintyre Way (Tarbert) with Oban and Lismore. It will again be a sponsored walk, this time raising funds for Mary’s Meals. They have an open invitation to all and hope that people will join them, either as walkers on at least one of the stages, or helping with the organisation and provision of accommodation. They will be joined by the Mid-Argyll Ramblers. Ron’s Ramblers are very appreciative of all of the donations they have received over the years and would be very grateful for any donation you are able to give to Mary’s Meals.
As part of this pilgrimage there will be a communion service in Kilmory Chapel on Monday 11 September at 10 am.
Bible listening notes
Do you want to know what’s in the Bible? What does it all mean?Do you struggle to read it?
Could you try listening instead….
Nicky Gumbel’s Bible in One Year app gives Bible passages for the day and explanations alongside it. And the best thing is you can listen to it rather than reading. David Suchet reads the Bible passages and Nicki reads his explanations. If you would rather read it you can – its all in the app so you don’t need to have a Bible to hand, just your phone or tablet. There is also a large print option in the app
why not give it a go…. from your App Store for iOS and android