At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 26th September 2017 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mrs Norma Kelly, Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Libby MacDonald, Miss Ealasaid Mackay and Mrs Catherine Paterson. Also present was Mrs Marjorie Drysdale.
Apologies were received from Mr Russell Anderson and Mrs Valerie Cameron.
The minutes of the meeting of 15th August 2017 were approved Proposed by Mrs Louise Logue
Seconded by Mrs Catherine Paterson
There were no matters arising.
Email 21 Sep 2017 from the Moderator of the Church of Scotland.
There will be a mass sleep-out on 9th December 2017 in Prince’s Street Gardens Edinburgh. The intention is to focus attention on homelessness in Scotland. The target is for 9,000 participants with each attempting to raise £100 for the cause.
Email 25 Sep 2017 from the Mission & Discipleship Council.
An invitation to be involved in a “Back to Church Sunday, Weekend of Invitation” between 23rd and 26th October 2017. Sessions in various locations as detailed in the link which has been circulated.
The General Trustees have advised that a further Congregational Meeting will be required following the decision by Kirk Session that the Inverlussa building should be offered for sale. A meeting will therefore be held at Inverlussa on Sunday 1st October 2017 when full members of the Congregation will be asked to support the decision of Kirk Session.
Rev Acklam reported that he recently had a good meeting with the new headmaster at Tayvallich School, Mr J Helbert. It is hoped that an improved relationship with the school can now be developed. The inaugural pilgrimage walk took place recently, with a group of pilgrims arriving at Inverlussa from Achahoish. The minister had spent time with them and also on the next day at Bellanoch Church. The walk continued for several days, terminating on the island of Lismore. Rev Acklam had also attended a meeting of the St Margaret’s Peace and Justice Group.
Nothing to report.
Mr D Logue reported that handbook no. 6 is now in circulation. There was some discussion on the role of the church in helping survivors of domestic abuse with required input from qualified professionals. Mrs C Paterson made the point that particular care had to be taken with cases involving children. It was suggested that elders and those working with children or vulnerable groups might benefit from a refresher course. Mr D Logue will arrange this with Doreen Henderson. The Safeguarding Committee will also meet and report to the next meeting of Kirk Session.
Mrs Norma Kelly passed on a new PVG flow chart and the latest SG11 which were issued at the September meeting of Presbytery. It was noted that we already have and are using these. Other items arising from the last meeting included details of the proposals for Hub Ministries and that a new Presbytery plan will be in place by March 2018. A new information pack on dealing with dementia was also issued and this will be retained in Tayvallich Church for reference. Rev Paul Beautyman had shared details of his youth work in Dunoon (EXP) and there is an open invitation to visit and find out more about developments there. Rev Acklam thanked Norma for her commitment to her role as representative elder.
Mrs L Logue reported that Presbytery had now approved our annual accounts. The accounts have now been submitted to OSCR.
No report was received but it was noted that the bell at Bellanoch Church is still to be repaired.
Mr D Logue reported on the training day at Stirling on 23rd September which had been attended by himself, Rev Acklam, Mrs L Logue and Mrs J Jardine from Glassary, Kilmartin and Ford Parish. His report is attached as Appendix 1. Rev Acklam also reported on the workshops which he had attended :-
How to be an intergenerational church – this happens when age is no longer a boundary barrier. – “Invite young people into your story and they will invite you into theirs”.
Care for the Family – he was impressed by the speaker from this charity which helps families in difficult situations such as bereavement and parenting and marital issues. He will apply for resource packs for future use.
Mrs L Logue spoke about a workshop which explored the four different kinds of spirituality.
Arrangements for Remembrance Sunday, 12th November 2017. Wreath Laying at Barnluasgan at 9 am.
Rev Acklam will organise a piper.
Mr Cameron has the wreaths
The Service of Remembrance will be held in Bellanoch Church at 10 am. The retiring offering will be in aid of Poppyscotland.
Shoebox Service
This will be held in Tayvallich Church on Sunday 5th November 2017.
Any late shoeboxes can be handed in on Sunday 12th November 2017.
The Blythswood lorry is due to collect boxes from Lochgilphead on Friday 17th November 2017.
Pulpit Supply
Rev Acklam will be on leave between 31st October and 7th November 2017. Pulpit supply will be provided at
Tayvallich Church on 5th November 2017 by Mr J Malcolm.
Also at
Tayvallich Church on 19th November 2017 by Mr D Logue.
On this date, the Minister will be absent on duty.
Messy Church
The first session will be in Tayvallich on 5th October 2017.
There will also be an opportunity for older children to go to Sunday Soul on 5th November 2017.
Alpha Course
In preparation for a new course in Achnamara, there will be “taster” sessions on Friday 29th September at 7 pm and Saturday 30th September 2017 at 1 pm.
There was some discussion around our forthcoming Christmas services. There has in recent years been a significant fall in numbers attending the Watchnight Service and an increase in attendance at the afternoon Carol Service. It was agreed that we would continue to hold the Watchnight Service this year and would monitor attendance.
Mrs Logue advised that a group (Community Transformers) associated with her Forge course were prepared to visit the parish if required.
The date of the next meeting will be Wednesday 25th October 2017 at 7.30pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.
Monthly Archives: October 2017
Sermon 22 October
Here is an extended version of David’s sermon:
Some of you may remember what I spoke about in August when I led the service? I was enthusing about how this is an exciting time for the church because we are faced with difficulties and challenges, – a post modern culture which in general dismisses the Christian Faith as irrelevant, or at best – OK if you want to believe that stuff. Falling numbers of people engaging with the traditional church and so fewer people attending and also, the age profile rising, as we all get older.
But, this is so much of an opportunity for us to really get to grips with what we believe, why we believe, why do we look to Jesus Christ as “the way” to live, and to reconnect with a creator God.
Essentially, what is this Church thing all about – and how can we share this effectively with others in this current society – in Argyll, our populations of North Knapdale and Glassary, Kilmartin, and Ford.
I asked the question – What are the marks of a Church – what makes a church different to a club – or a society – or a local pub?
I suggest four aspects of church which describe who we are and define our raison d’etre –
Worship, Community, Discipling, Mission
If we are actively involved in these activities, I believe we are effectively operating as a church of Jesus Christ. Take away any of these and that leaves us deficient –
Without Worship – we remove our expression of belief in and love of God – Father of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
Without Community we fail to express our love for one another, and for all people
Without discipleship, we do not grow others in faith and so populate our church,
Without Mission we do not share our understanding of the Good News of Jesus Christ and our invitation by Him to know God.
Last time I spoke about Worship – “..We believe that worship is a core, indispensable, and non-negotiable function of the church. … Worship is an irreplaceable function in the Christian experience. We should worship because our God is worthy to be worshipped”
Worship is not necessary for God – but it is necessary for us. It rises up from us in awe and thanksgiving as we contemplate this complex and wondrous being.
Today, the theme is “Community”
What is community?
Common purpose
Common interest
Mutual concern and care.
Emotional attachment
Sharing Strong relationships
Now you can say that these features are apparent in many organisations, or people groups. Hippy communes, the Israeli Kibbutz, the Rotary club, or the Masonic lodge.
We can look at our own local villages – we see and experience these features on a daily basis. The well known West highland hospitality, the local population’s ever readiness to help out neighbours and friends.
Why pick this as a fundamental mark of the church?
Firstly because I think that actually the church set up the first and most enduring community in which a common interest was wedded to mutual a care and concern, resulting in emotional attachment and strong relationships.
Jesus said – love one another – by this all men will know that you are my disciples, by your love, one for another.
The early church picked this up from the start – look at that reading we had from Acts – Jesus had finally left them by being “taken up” – and they returned to Jerusalem – and stayed together. – the disciples, the women, Jesus mother, and his brothers.
They have a common interest – all knew Jesus and heard Him say – go and wait in Jerusalem til I send the holy Spirit, they were all uncertain of what would happen next – but they had sufficiently strong relationships to get together – as Luke says – with “one accord” – they knew trusted and cared for one another. – and they continued “in prayer and supplication”
Interesting that Luke has two words here – prayer and supplication. – what is the difference. Prayer is communication, correspondence, talking to God – and supplication – well that means, entreating, or making requests – sounds to me a bit like intercession – asking on behalf of self or others. So maybe there were two types of prayer going on here – prayer as praise and worship to God, and prayer of intercession, for themselves and others.
I think we can be sure that they were giving thanks for Jesus presence, his life, and His resurrection – and giving worship to God His Father, and I am sure they were also praying – “What are we going to do now! How should we continue our lives,? Is Jesus coming back? How long should we wait here as Jesus told us to? And were they also praying for protection from the authorities, from Rome, from the Pharisees? – They were in fear of persecution and crucifixion. – so they were a community – brought together by their common exposure to life with Jesus, staying together to work out a way forward with God, worshipping together in a radical and reputedly blasphemous way in the eyes of authority. In accord with one another.
And as they considered their situation they were not frozen into inactivity – but started to look forward – what is next – how do we move forward. This was quite a gang – about 120 of them – men and women – all disciples of Jesus, all wanting to follow Him – all seeking to live in His way. And they say – well we need to get organised – one of our main leaders – one of the twelve closest to Jesus is gone – Judas is dead and we need to appoint someone in His place to take up the role of being a witness to Jesus resurrection – we need another apostle.
Isn’t this a tremendous model for the church – a community of lots of different people, all who know Jesus – all who committed to following Him – being together waiting as Jesus asked them to – not sure why, or what will happen – all aware that they are at risk with the authorities – worshipping, praying, staying together “with one accord” – sharing together and discussing what is happening around them – and they are looking forward – they start to plan for the future – they say come on – we need to regroup, to organise and appoint another apostle, we can’t stand still, or worry about the past – we need to look forward and be ready for what is going to happen next.
The community of Jesus – the church – responding to changing circumstances, holding on to their core values – worship, prayer, care for one another, developing relationships with one another and with God, following Jesus example – and looking forward – what is next, we need to respond, change, organise, not looking back to what has been, but planning for what is coming next.
And why then did we have this other reading, this passage from early in Jesus ministry of Jesus calling Levi to be a disciple?
Well, this shows a different aspect of the impact of community in the life of the church. How?
Levi, a tax official, sitting in his tax office – getting on with his work. Jesus passes by, sees him and says “follow me” – so he does – wow, simple as that. We don’t know what was going on in Levi’s life at that time, we don’t know what else Jesus said to him – but the upshot is that everything came together at that point for Levi to respond positively to Jesus and decide to follow Him.
Now what was Levi’s community at that time? Who were his friends, who did he hang out with. With whom did he have a common interest – who did he relate with in society.
Well as a tax man he would certainly not be welcome mixing with the zealots and nationalists who wanted to overthrow the Roman occupation – to them he was a quisling working for the enemy. As a Tax man he would have been shunned by the respectable citizens who wanted nothing to do with these collectors who took their money for the hated Romans, and as a tax man he would have been excommunicated from the religious establishment for both cheating and stealing through corrupt tax collections and also for collaborating with the blasphemous and pagan Roman army.
So his community was made up of similar people – of other tax men, of those shunned by society, blasphemers, cheats and thieves – Roman collaborators – or as Mark simply puts it – Tax collectors and sinners.
And here is an interesting thing – Jesus says to him “Follow me” – and the next place we find them is in Levi’s house – having dinner with him and all his friends – all his community of tax men, cheats, blasphemers – sinners – the community of Levi – and what is more, Jesus disciples were there as well! Jesus doesn’t take Levi out of his community of friends, of like minded people – Jesus goes with him, leads him, back into his own community – to meet his friends, to share food together, to talk and discuss and get to know them – and he takes His disciples with him. How else would Jesus have met all these people? He could have sat in the synagogue all day long and none of this community would have come near Him.
Jesus does not call us to come away from our communities, away from our friends and interests – he calls us to go with Him to our communities, to be his disciples where we are, in our interest groups, to be with our friends, who don’t know Jesus – but as we follow Him – so He is with us in our communities. Isn’t that great.
Communities – we have our church – our Body of Christ as Paul described us – a community of trust, of friendship, of sharing and caring, of being in “one accord” as Luke puts it – and also of worship, of prayer, of looking forward and asking – “what is next, let’s get ready, get organised – an exciting community where we experience and share Jesus love and his leading. We talk of community being founded on relationships, of getting to know and trust and care for one another – and for the Christian Church this is founded on Jesus statement:
What is the greatest commandment – Love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul and all your mind and all your strength and the second – “love your neighbour as yourself”.
We reach out in love to our neighbours – we build our relationships with our friends – and for us – that relationship is amplified, it is grounded, it is inspired by our love of God – as we grow to love and trust and understand him, then can we also grow in love trust and understanding of our neighbours in this community – as one grows, so does the other.
And as we agree to follow Jesus, we allow him to lead us into those communities around us, Jesus takes us with Him to meet our friends, our colleagues, the members of the communities in which we meet day by day or week by week. His disciples go with Him, and so the Kingdom of God is shared with those who would not contemplate joining us here in this community of church.
So – we are a church community – a community which does not have barriers to others , but rather flows into all aspects of our lives around us – sharing love and concern, sharing trust and understanding – our horizontal relationships with others, inspired by our vertical relationship with God.
The community in Jerusalem was the start of the church around the world.
With prayer, and supplication, in trust and friendship, through growing and sharing our faith, the community of this church can also be the start of a new development of church in this part of Argyll. Amen
Shoe box appeal update
The date of collections in Campbeltown, Tarbert, Lochgilphead and Inveraray is THURSDAY 16TH NOVEMBER.
(The printed schedule was originally sent out with a different date.)
The times are as printed:
Campbeltown 09.00 – 11.00am
Tarbert 12.00 – 12.15pm
Lochgilphead 13.15 – 14.15pm
Inveraray 14.45 – 15.45pm.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Best wishes
Margaret Tooth
Area Fundraising Manager,South & Central Scotland
Blythswood Care
35-37 Montrose Avenue
G52 4LA
TEL 0141 882 0585
MOBILE 07970 863533
Scottish charity no. SC021848
Job vacancies
The Church of Scotland
Registered Scottish Charity SC001424
Hub-Style Ministries Co-ordinator Posts
The Presbytery of Argyll is seeking to appoint two Ministries Co-ordinators for one year period of experimentation in the South Argyll and North & East Argyll areas of Presbytery.
Presbytery invites applications from Auxiliary/OLM and Locum ministers, and members of congregations. The salary and expenses should be as for Ministry Development Staff Team Leader. As Ministry Development Staff, co-ordinators will follow the normal procedures for such posts and for local line management will be responsible to the convenor of the Ministries Committee of Presbytery.
Ministries Co-ordinator South Argyll
This is a one year full time post centred in Kintyre and will include the islands of Gigha, Islay and Jura.
Ministries Co-ordinator North and East Argyll
This is a one year 0.5FTE part-time post centred in this first instance in North East of the Presbytery including the charges in Taynuilt, Dalmally, Crianlaraich and Inveraray.
Please see below for more details of each post. Further information can be obtained from:
Rev David Mitchell (; 01700 811045)
Ms Marilyn Shedden (; 01583 421104).
Letters of application with Curriculum Vitae should be sent to the Presbytery Clerk by e-mail ( to arrive by Friday 27th October 2017.
Full Time Post – Ministries Co-ordinator South Argyll
This is a one year full time post centred in the vacant charges of Kintyre and will include the islands of Gigha, Islay and Jura.
Job Remit
Co-ordinate the provision of worship, sacraments and pastoral care;
Co-ordinate the scheduling and moderating of business meetings and mission;
Co-ordinate a ministry team to include: coordinator, ministers, readers, local
worship leaders and others who may be identified;
Facilitating the development and training of local worship leaders;
Use their own gifts and skills to contribute to the work of the hub.
Personal and Professional Requirements
Skills in administration;
Skills in communication;
Computer literate and experienced;
Understanding of Church of Scotland structures, practices and procedures;
For this first post, and period of experimentation, be an Auxiliary
Minister/Ordained Local Minister.
Part Time Post – Ministries Co-ordinator North and East Argyll
This is a one year 0.5 part-time post centred in this first instance in vacant charges in North East of the Presbytery including the charges in Taynuilt, Dalmally, Crianlaraich and also including Inveraray which has a minister in unrestricted tenure.
Job Remit
Co-ordinate the provision of worship, sacraments and pastoral care.
Co-ordinate the scheduling and moderating of business meetings and mission.
Co-ordinate a ministry team to include: coordinator, ministers, readers, local
worship leaders and others who may be identified.
Use their own gifts and skills to contribute to the work of the hub.
Personal and Professional Requirements
Skills in administration
Skills in communication
Computer literate and experienced
Understanding of Church of Scotland structures, practices and procedures.
For this first post and period of experimentation may also work as locum in any of
the charges.
Alpha in Achnamara
Starting on 14 October in Achnamara Hall, immediately after Cafe Connect at 12:30 pm……join us for soup lunch, DVD and chat.
14 October Who is Jesus?
21 October Why did Jesus die?
28 October How can I have faith?