Kirk Session 28 November 2017

At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 28th November 2017 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Libby MacDonald and Miss Ealasaid Mackay.
In Attendance
Mrs M Drysdale
Apologies were received from Mr Russell Anderson, Mrs Valerie Cameron, Mrs Norma Kelly, Mr David Logue and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
The Minutes of the Kirk Session Meeting of 25th October 2017
were approved subject to the following amendment :-
Worship & Mission
Alpha – Mrs Logue advised that an enquiry had been received about a future course in Tayvallich.
Proposed by Mrs Louise Logue Seconded by Mrs Libby MacDonald
Christmas Cards 2017
Mr Cameron advised that overprinted cards had been received from CPO. The order was for 200 cards.
BlythswoodShoeboxAppeal 2017
21 filled shoeboxes were delivered to the Blythswood lorry when it visited Lochgilphead.
Presbytery Request re property boundaries and titles. –

Mr Cameron confirmed that he had written to the General Trustees and that the matter was being dealt with by Mr Keith Mason.
“Community Transformers” Visit
Mrs Logue advised that the visit had taken place. Rev Acklam stated that he had enjoyed meeting the participants.
Email from Argyll Presbytery – 24th November 2017
Notifying us of three appointments :-
Mr Stewart Shaw as Presbytery Clerk w.e.f. summer 2018
Rev Catriona Hood as Ministries Co-ordinator South Argyll
Mrs Alison Hay as Ministries Co-ordinator North and East Argyll
There was further discussion around the form of and preparation for a final service but this will be progressed later. The General Trustees have confirmed that there will be no requirement to close Inverlussa Church prior to the marketing of the building.

Rev Acklam commented on the National Day of Prayer which was held on 25th November 2017. Mrs Logue had completed a prayer walk on that day. He also advised that the Care for the Family event has been postponed until next year but leaflets had been ordered.
There was nothing to report.
The Safeguarding Committee met on 26th November 2017 in Inverlussa Church. With regard to domestic abuse, guidance notes for individuals were issued together with copy charters for display in our church buildings. A full electronic copy of Safeguarding Handbook 6 – “Ensuring a Safe Church for All” has been issued to all elders able to receive.
Presbytery will meet at Kames Church on 5th December when there will be a presentation by Rev Albert Bogle on Sanctuary First, the first Church of Scotland “On line church”.
Treasurer & Finance
Mrs L Logue advised that she did not proceed with the transfer of funds from the current account to the deposit account as we had received an invoice from D A MacDonald Contractors in respect of the roadworks for our new mains water supply at Tayvallich Church.
Mr Cameron advised that Mr Anderson, Fabric Convenor, was continuing to pursue the tradesmen over the water connection at Tayvallich, the damp penetration at Bellanoch and the tidying of loose plasterboard at Inverlussa.
In addition to connecting the water supply at Tayvallich Church, work will include the installation of base units, sink and wall units in the vestry.
2018 Calendars and Service Lists were issued to those present. Christmas Advertising
It was confirmed that we would continue to participate in the Argyllshire Advertiser’s special Christmas feature.
It was noted that there will be an Elders Conference at Tulliallan from Friday 27th April to Sunday 29th April 2018. The theme will be “A Journey of Discipleship”. The cost is £150 and booking closes on 15th April 2018. Mrs Logue reminded those present that there was money available in our training budget.
Sanctuary First

It is strongly recommended that elders look at this site and Rev Acklam will encourage the wider congregation to do so also.
Messy Church
Numbers have been boosted at both venues by our new family of six children now living in Tayvallich. Dates have now been set for all meetings through to June 2018. The Christmas Party will be in Tayvallich hall on 7th December 2017.
Children in Church
Mrs Courtenay Smith is keen to be involved with children’s activities in church. There was some discussion around the form activities might take and Session welcomed this development.
Mr and Mrs Logue have indicated their willingness to run a course in Tayvallich during 2018 in response to interest which has already been shown. The course can be advertised during discussions with those who may wish to become full members of the congregation..
Cafe Connect
Mrs Logue had been asked by a participant to pass on their thanks to those who run Cafe Connect. Session is appreciative of those who give their time and talent to this valuable outreach. There will be no Cafe Connect on 23rd December 2017, 30th December 2017 and 6th January 2018.
There was now an unacceptable build up of redundant material in Tayvallich vestry. Volunteers agreed to meet one morning to clear the area prior to any tradesmen requiring access.
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 23rd January 2018 at 7.30 pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.

Why am I here?

Is there more to life than this?
Come and find out at our next Alpha session in Tayvallich Church
We are having two “Taste and See” sessions on Friday 19 January, one at lunchtime, starting at 12:30 pm with soup and dessert, followed by a dvd and short discussion.
This will be repeated at 7 pm in the evening.
Come along and see what you think….