Category Archives: Kirk Session

The vote

Notice is hereby given that
In connection with the proposed union of the congregations of Ardrishaig, Glassary, Kilmartin & Ford, Lochgilphead, North Knapdale and South Knapdale to form the congregation known as Dalriada Mid Argyll per the approved Presbytery Plan of 14th June 2022,
the congregation of North Knapdale will meet on Sunday, 2nd April 2023 in Tayvallich Church when voting will take place.
Only members and adherents attending in person will be entitled to vote.
The vote will take place after the Stated Annual Meeting.

Draft basis of union Dalriada Mid Argyll

The congregations of Ardrishaig Parish Church (Church of Scotland) (SC010713), Glassary, Kilmartin & Ford Parish Church of Scotland (SC002121), Lochgilphead Church of Scotland (SC016311), North Knapdale Parish Church of Scotland (SC001002) and South Knapdale Parish Church (Church of Scotland) (SC010782) shall be united on 1st January 2023, or from a date to be determined by Presbytery, and that on the following terms and conditions:

1. Name: The name of the united congregation shall be Dalriada Mid Argyll (Church of Scotland) and SC001002 will be retained.
2. Transference of Property and Funds: The property and funds belonging to or held on behalf of each congregation shall belong to or be held on behalf of the united congregation and any transference necessary shall be duly effected.
3. Places of Worship: The Places of worship of the united congregation shall be as determined in The Presbytery Mission Plan (See note below). All buildings designated (b) shall be sold, let or otherwise disposed of subject to the titles on which it is held, subject to the approval of the Presbytery and, if necessary, the General Trustees or the General Assembly. The free proceeds of any such sale or let shall: (a) if falling within the scope of Act VII 1995, be credited to the benefit of the congregation in the Consolidated Fabric Fund; or (b) if not falling within the scope of the said Act, be held and applied for fabric purposes in connection with the properties of the congregation. Services shall be conducted at times to be decided by the Minister and Kirk Session, subject to the approval of Presbytery.
4. Territorial Responsibility: The bounds to be served by the united charge shall be designated as the bounds of the parishes of Ardrishaig, Lochgilphead, Glassaray, Kilmartin & Ford, North Knapdale and South Knapdale, or as the Presbytery shall determine.
5. Kirk Session: The elders of all five Kirk Sessions shall form with the minister the Kirk Session of the united congregation.
6. Congregational Management: The temporal affairs of the united congregation shall be administered by the Kirk Session in terms of the Unitary Constitution, the Delegation of Assembly being authorised to issue the appropriate Deed of Constitution to the said congregation.
7. Minister: The Rev David Carruthers, currently minister at Ardrishaig lw South Knapdale, shall be the minister of the united charge in terms of Presbytery Mission Plan Act (Act VIII, 2021) Section 8.
8. Manse: The manse of the congregation of Ardrishaig shall be the manse of the united congregation. The manses of the congregations of Lochgilphead and Glassaray, Kilmartin & Ford shall be sold, let or otherwise disposed of, subject to the titles on which they are held, and subject to the approval of the Presbytery and, if necessary, of the General Trustees or the General Assembly. The free proceeds of any such sale or let shall: (a) if falling within the scope of Act VII 1995, be credited to the benefit of the congregation in the Consolidated Fabric Fund; or (b) if not falling within the scope of the said Act, be held and applied for fabric purposes in connection with the properties of the congregation.
9. Ministerial Support: The stipend of the charge shall be paid in accordance with the terms of the National Stipend Scheme.
10. Power to Readjust: While the articles and terms shall form the Basis of Union for the five congregations now uniting, the united congregation shall be free, like other congregations, to adjust arrangements under the authority of Presbytery as need may arise.

Note: Presbytery Mission Plan Buildings Designations

Approved 14th June 2022 

Glassary, Kilmartin & Ford Church (New Building)



Glassary Church NR 859 935

Under Offer


Glassaray, Kilmartin & Ford Manse 



Tayvallich Church NR 741 871



Bellanoch Church NR 797 924



Lochgilphead Church NR 864 883



Lochgilphead Hall



Lochgilphead Manse



Ardrishaig Church NR 852 852



Ardrishaig Church Hall 



Ardrishaig Manse (Occupied by Minister UT)


Achahoish Church (South Knapdale)



Kirk session agenda 12 Feb

constitution – welcome and prayer
Minutes of last meeting
Matters arising (items not covered under a heading below)
Administration :   Cleaning
Christian Aid Week – 10th to 16th May (for noting)                      
Worship (David)
Refugio update
Messy Church
Café Connect
Going for Growth  – Inspiring new worshipping communities
Upcoming services
Mission (Louise)
Alpha next
2nd Sunday Supper
Malawi/other mission support
Youth work report
Pastoral Team (Catherine)
Training update
Finance (Louise)
Present accounts
Fabric (Russell)
Health and safety
Audio visual equipment
General Trustees report on use of Buildings
Presbytery report (Norma)  (no report due)
Vacancy update (Interim Moderator)
Safeguarding: (David)
Notifiable events (David)
Mission Plan (local)
Stewardship Campaign
AOCB (must be notified at start of meeting)
Date of next meeting
Close with prayer

Kirk session minutes 8 jan 2020

In the absence of the Interim Moderator, the meeting agreed that Mrs Catherine Paterson should be appointed as moderator.

Mrs Paterson opened the meeting with a prayer.

Sederunt:    Present were:  Mrs Catherine Paterson, acting moderator; Mr David Logue, Session Clerk; Ms Ealasaid Mackay, Mrs Norma Kelly, Presbytery Elder; Mrs Louise Logue, Treasurer

Attending:  Mr Russell Anderson, Property Convenor;  Mr Gordon Green, Mrs Arlene Green

Apologies:    Rev Christine Fulcher, Interim Moderator;  Mrs Libby MacDonald, Mrs Catherine MacLennan.

Minutes of meetings of the 18th November 2019:

The minutes of the meeting of the 18th November 2019, which had been previously circulated were approved:  Proposed by Mrs Logue and seconded by Mrs Paterson

Matters arising from the above minutes:

Audio visual equipment:    This equipment installed in Tayvallich Church had been used at the service on Sunday 5th January 2020 for the first time.   Words of one hymn and a short DVD on Alpha were displayed during the service.

This was well received and it was suggested at the meeting that in future the words of all hymns could be displayed, and also the words of the scripture readings. 

Extension at Tayvallich Church:

Mr Logue and Mr Anderson updated the meeting on visits to three Architects.   The architect, Organic Architects of Helensburgh had been asked to draw up some ideas to put forward as a Pre Application to the planning department.    This was displayed on the AV screen for comment.

Questions were raised in relation to:  the roof material of the curved roof, estimated costs, and impact of shadow on neighbouring property.   Mr Logue stated that no discussion had taken place at this time with the owner of the neighbouring property.

It was agreed that Mr Logue would refer the questions back to the architect and informally update the neighbour on the possible building.

Mrs Kelly informed the meeting that Mr Neil, architect and adviser on buildings to the Presbytery was now available to undertake site visits for advice.

Refugio Training:    Mrs Logue reported that invitations to attend the training organised in Tayvallich on the 29th and 30th January had been sent to church leaders across Argyll and that it would also be circulated by the Presbytery Clerk.  

It was agreed that North Knapdale would meet reasonable travel and accommodation costs of the trainers from Greyfriars Kirk.

Winter Gathering:   The craft event and lunch in Achnamara hall in December 2019 had this year been quieter than previous years, with fewer local people attending.    Stall holders reported that they were very quiet.  £500 was raised by the event to be split evenly between the church and the Hall.

Pulpit Supply fees:    Mrs Logue raised the issue of Pulpit Supply fees in relation to those taking only one of the two services on Sundays in the linked Parishes of Glassary, Kilmartin and Ford, and North Knapdale. 

Concern had been raised by one reader over the limit applied under Church of Scotland rules, that those undertaking one service only in a linked charge be paid a fee of 50% of the total fee for two services which is £90.    This results in a fee of £45, rather than the £60 fee where there is no second service.

Following discussions with the Interim Moderator, and the Presbytery Treasurer, Mrs Logue proposed that the “50%” rule should not be applied in North Knapdale, as, where individuals were leading only one service it was not due to their decision, it was because only one service was available as the service at Glassary Kilmartin and Ford was being undertaken by another person.   When worship leaders were taking the services in both Glassary, Kilmartin and Ford, and in North Knapdale then the standard fees for two services of £90 would be applied.  

The proposal was agreed.   It was further agreed to backdate this revised payment to the beginning of the current vacancy.

Cleaning and Flower Rota.

Mrs Green asked if any one had volunteered to clean the Tayvallich Church on a regular basis.   Mr Logue reported that no one had yet come forward but that a further request would be made at the service on Sunday 12th January.    It was agreed that if there was no suitable volunteer, that Mr Logue should approach the current cleaner for the Tayvallich Hall to undertake the cleaning on a commercial basis.

Mrs Kelly volunteered to take on the organisation of the Flower Rota for Tayvallich Church.

Worship and Mission:

Pastoral Care team:   Mrs Paterson reported that she is calling meeting of Pastoral care volunteers following Worship on Sunday 12th January to arrange suitable times and places for training events.

It was agreed that Mrs Paterson should order whatever books and material is required for this training.

Messy Church:   Mrs Logue reported that attendance at the Christmas Party had been disappointing with three families attending, one of which decided to leave early.

Mrs Smith has written to Mrs Logue to say that at the moment she is unable to commit the time for organisation of Messy Church and so will not be available to continue to lead this.    It was agreed that Messy Church would therefore be inactive for the time being.

Mrs Logue stated that she was more concerned at the moment about work with the teenage children in the parish, but was uncertain about what to do about this.   She plans therefore to write to Kenny Wilson, the Presbytery youth worker to discuss this.

Alpha/ Alpha next:   Mr Logue reported that invitations were being circulated for two “taster sessions” with a view to running an Alpha series.    Elders and all members were encouraged to use this as an opportunity to bring friends along to hear about and see the content of Alpha.   This is a good way to introduce friends to the Christian faith over a friendly and sociable meal.

The “Alpha Next” group meets weekly again on Tuesday evenings in Mr and Mrs Logue’s home.   This is time of discussion on aspects of Christian faith, a DVD or teaching topic, and prayer.   All members of the session are warmly invited to come along.

 Second Sunday Supper/Cafe Church.

Mr Logue reported that next Second Sunday supper is on the 12th January and that 17 people had already booked and further invitations would be circulated at Cafe Connect, Skiff Group and Sunday Worship.

Cafe church on the 29th December in Achnamara Hall had been well received with Carol singing.   24 people had attended. 

 Mission Development Plan.

Mr Logue reported that the last meeting of the group had made little progress as Glassary,  Kilmartin and Ford were awaiting a response to their appeal to the Presbytery Moderator.

Mr Logue had attended the meeting as representative from North Knapdale and the Interim Moderator for Glassary Kilmartin and Ford linked with North Knapdale had also attended.    Mr Logue reported that one representative from each Parish and the two Ministers from Lochgilphead and from Ardrishaig linked with South Knapdale had been asked to attend.    Mr Logue proposed that he write to the Presbytery Planning Convenor to suggest that there should be at least two representatives from each parish in the Mission Development Group to provide balanced representation from the congregations.   This was agreed.

 Service plan and Easter Services

Mr Logue circulated a revised Service Plan which includes the Easter week services and a change to the venue for the service on Easter Sunday the 12th April from Bellanoch to Tayvallich. 


Attest rolls

Mr Logue read out the rolls of Members and Adherents for 2019 and these were agreed

 Statistical return

Mr Logue presented the completed Presbytery Statistical Return.   Following discussion some alterations were agreed to the section on “Age range and usual number of worshippers” and these were amended.

 Polling Station 

Tayvallich church was used as a polling station for the general election on the 12th December 2019.    This was arranged by Mr Logue following discussion with the Tayvallich Hall, which had been booked for the Christmas buffet for older people on that day, the organiser of the buffet, and the Argyll and Bute Election Office.

A number of the elders reported that they had received comments from some local residents and also church members that they did not think this an appropriate use of the church building.

Other elders reported favourable comments from residents, church members and also the polling station staff.

The members of session agreed that Mr Logue should not have taken the decision for this use of the church on his own and, prior to agreeing its use as a polling station, should have canvassed the views of the other elders.     If this had been agreed by the session members then they would have been better informed to explain to others the reason for using the church.   Those elders present agreed that , had they been asked, they would have agreed to the church being used for Polling.    Mr Logue apologised for not seeking the views of session on this and agreed that similar decisions on the uses of the church buildings should be taken by the session.  


Interim Moderator – no report

Presbytery  – Mrs Kelly gave a detailed report on matters from the      December Presbytery meeting.   The Prayer breakfast in Lochgilphead had been well attended with representatives from all the local churches, including the recently appointed Roman Catholic priest and the Pastor of the Baptist church.   There was a Presentation on Church and the Community by Cinnamon Trust, and also a focus on the work of the Emergency Services.

Godly Play Training will be organised across the Presbytery.

Argyll Presbytery will be enlarged to include Helensburgh, Luss and Arrochar as West Dumbarton Presbytery is dissolved.

Dunoon parishes are providing an open day on the 11th January to present ideas for their Development Planning, and use of buildings and are also inviting the Presbytery Planning group to attend.

Training in Suicide Awareness is planned for the 16th and 17th, 19th and 20th March 2020.

Congregations are asked to support and pray for the Presbytery Mission Partner, John McCulloch who is working in Palestine.    Prayer letters will be circulated to Parishes.

Tarbert Church has been granted permission by Presbytery to spend approximately £60,000 on new toilets and level access.

Stewardship –  no report 

Safeguarding – nothing to report 

Notifiable events  – no events to be notified

Treasurer and Finance Committee  – no report

Health and Safety:     Mr Anderson reported that he was progressing with the completion of the health and safety toolkits.

It was agreed that he should purchase First Aid Kits, posters and accident books for both church buildings.   It was also agreed that he should progress with the installation of Smoke or heat detectors in both churches and suitable fire doors on the vestries in both churches.

Fabric Report  – no items reported 


Payment of OLMs:   A letter had been received from Craig Renton of the Church of Scotland in relation to payment of OLMs when undertaking a locum appointment.     This was noted.

Youth Work Report – Kenny Wilson

Report on Youth work in South Kintyre from the Presbytery Youth worker, Kenny Wilson, was circulated for information and prayer.

Date of next meeting – the next meeting was set for the 12th February at 7.30pm in       Tayvallich Church..

The meeting was closed by all praying The Grace together.

Kirk session agenda 8 jan 2020


Opening Prayer and Worship

  1. Sederunt
  2. Apologies
  3. Minutes of meetings of the 18th November 2019
  4. Matters arising from the above minutes:
    1. Audio visual equipment.
    2. Extension at Tayvallich
    3. Refugio Training,
    4. Winter Gathering
  5. Worship and Mission:
    1. Pastoral Care team
    2. Messy Church
    3. Alpha/ Alpha next
    4. Second Sunday Supper/Cafe Church.
    5. Mission Development Plan.
    6. Winter Gathering
    7. Service plan and Easter Services
  6. Administration:
    1. Attest roles
    2. Statistical return
    3. Polling Station  
  7. Reports:
    1. Interim Moderator
    2. Presbytery 
    3. Stewardship –  no report 
    4. Safeguarding 
    5. Notifiable events 
    6. Treasurer and Finance Committee  – no report
    7. Health and Safety
    8. Fabric Report  
  8. Correspondence:
    1. Payment of OLMs
  9. Date of next meeting
  10. Close with prayer.