At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 25th October 2017 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mrs Norma Kelly, Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Libby MacDonald, Miss Ealasaid Mackay and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
Apologies were received from Mrs Valerie Cameron.
The Minutes of the Kirk Session Meeting of 26th September 2017 were approved.
Proposed by Mr D Logue Seconded by Mrs Norma Kelly The Minutes of the Congregational Meeting of 1st October 2017
were approved.
Proposed by Mrs Libby MacDonald Seconded by Mrs Norma Kelly The Minutes of the Kirk Session Meeting of 15th October 2017
were approved.
Proposed by Mrs Norma Kelly Seconded by Mrs Louise Logue
“Community Transformers” Visit
There was again considerable discussion on this subject. There was clearly a significant amount of discomfort felt by some members of Kirk Session and also by members of the congregation who had made their views known to their elders. It was therefore agreed that the group’s visit would be a private matter for Mr and Mrs D Logue and would not be held under the auspices of North Knapdale Parish Church.
Blythswood Christmas Shoebox Appeal 2017
Mr Cameron confirmed that Blythswood had been in touch to correct an error in the published timetable. The lorry will be in Lorne St. car park, Lochgilphead between 13.15 and 14.15 on Thursday 16th November 2017 and not as previously stated.
Email from Lomond & Argyll Advocacy Service – 3rd October 2017.
The service are offering a visit by a speaker to Cafe Connect. It was agreed that, in the meantime, we would ask for a supply of leaflets which can be displayed at Cafe Connect. Session Clerk will write.
Email from The Church of Scotland Council of Assembly – 11th October 2017
A road show to share and inform on the work of the Councils of the Church. The nearest venue is Renfield St Stephen’s Church on 11th November from 14.00 to 16.00.
Email from The Church Of Scotland Law Department – 13th October 2017 Advising on the changes to letting of residential property in Scotland w.e.f. 1st December 2017. This may affect the letting of a manse during a vacancy and further advice will be offered on request and also in updated form on the Church’s website.
The Congregational Meeting of 1st October 2017 supported the Kirk Session decision to offer for sale the building of Inverlussa Church. The Session Clerk has advised the Presbytery Property Convenor accordingly and the matter will now go to the December meeting of Presbytery with the request that the building be used for worship during the sale process.
Mrs Logue was not in favour of continued use particularly because of slippery grass. Since the sale process will inevitably be protracted, the grass at the gate will be replaced by gravel. There was also discussion around the form of a final service but this will be progressed later.
Rev Acklam encouraged us to read the World Mission Council’s report to the General Assembly. The report on this occasion focuses on the role of women in the church. A new booklet, “Women in The World Church” was given to members of Kirk Session.
There was nothing to report.
Our Safeguarding Committee met today in Tayvallich Church. Safeguarding Handbook 6 was considered and it was agreed to support the Church’s policy on domestic abuse, adopting the proposed charter and advertising it in our church buildings. The proposed training / refresher course has been postponed until early in the new year.
Mrs N Kelly again reminded us that the Property Committee had encouraged us to check our property boundaries. The Session Clerk will deal with this.
Treasurer & Finance
Mrs L Logue advised that she would transfer some funds from the current account to the deposit account.
No report. Mr A Cameron will liaise with the Fabric Convenor on issues which require attention. Surge protection adapters will be purchased for the electric organs.
Care for the Family – The proposed training session in Lochgilphead has been postponed until next year but in the meantime Rev Acklam has ordered a supply of information leaflets for distribution.
Sunday 26th November 2017
Morning Worship in Inverlussa followed by Christmas Fair and lunch in Achnamara Hall.
Thursday 21st December An Evening of Carols is being organised by Mrs Alka Foster – time to be finalised.
Christmas Eve Morning Worship in Inverlussa at 10 am Carols on the Green in Tayvallich at 4 pm Watchnight Service in Tayvallich at 11.15 pm Rev Acklam will lead worship this year. Christmas Day Morning Worship in Bellanoch at 11am Retiring offering in aid of EMBRACE the MiddleEast.
Messy Church The theme is on people whom Jesus met. This is the first time that the theme has been developed locally. There was some discussion around donations and it was felt that attendees should have the opportunity to give if they wish to do so.
Alpha The course participants continue to meet on Saturdays after Cafe Connect. (Amendment approved 28 November 2017 -Mrs Logue advised that an enquiry had been received about a future course in Tayvallich.)
Cafe Connect There will be no Cafe Connect on 25th November and 2nd December 2017.
Church Flowers Mrs E MacDonald asked if fresh flowers could be purchased as and when required. This was readily agreed.
Cleaning Rota There is at present no cleaning rota for any of our buildings. It was agreed that this should be investigated further.
D.O.N.M. The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 28th November 2017 at 7.30 pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.