Kirk Session Agenda 19 August 2019

  1. Opening Prayer and Worship
  2. Sederunt
  3. Apologies
  4. Minutes of meetings of the 10th July 2019
  5. Matters arising from the above minutes:
    1. Audio visual equipment.
    2. Extension
    3. Heartedge Conference
  6. Worship and Mission:
    1. Elders and Elder’s districts
    2. Messy Church
    3. Alpha/ Alpha next
    4. “Life Explored” report
    5. Second Sunday Supper/Cafe Church
    6. Service calendar – inc. Rev. Chris Whiteley 
    7. Mission Development Plan.
    8. “Radical Action Plan” proposed Season of Prayer
  7. Reports:
    1. Interim Moderator  – 
    2. Presbytery
    3. Stewardship  
    4. Safeguarding 
    5. Notifiable events 
    6. Treasurer and Finance Committee
    7. Health and Safety
    8. Fabric  
  8. Correspondence:
  9. Date of next meeting
  10. Close with prayer.

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