At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 4th July 2018 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam. The meeting replaced that scheduled for 29th May 2018.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue and Mrs Libby MacDonald.
In Attendance
Mrs Marjorie Drysdale and Mrs Mo Taylor.
Apologies were received from Mrs Valerie Cameron, Mrs Norma Kelly, Miss Ealasaid Mackay and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
The Minutes of the Kirk Session Meeting of 24th April 2018 were approved.
Proposed by Rev C. Acklam
Seconded by Mrs M. Drysdale
The Columba Experience
Rev Acklam reported that he had met the group in Achnamara. He had not, as yet, received feedback on the week from Kenny Wilson.
Malawi Visit
Mr D Logue reported that the visitors from Malawi should be here in late September. They currently await processing of visas.
Weekly Prayer Meetings – Tayvallich Church
Mr D Logue reported that the Monday morning prayer meetings have not been well attended. It was agreed that after two years it was now time to discontinue the meetings. Rev Acklam encouraged elders to meet with their elders’ groups. Year of Young People 2018
Further to the comments contained in the minutes of 24th April 2018, it was agreed that Mr D Logue should issue to the congregation a summary of his analysis arising from the meeting of 10th April 2018.
Pulpit Supply
During the Minister’s absence on leave, the arrangements are
Sunday 22nd July Morning Worship Tayvallich Mr David Logue Messy Church
Mr D Logue and Mrs L Logue had attended the Grand Messy Church BBQ held at A’Chleit beach. It was a lively, successful event.
Mrs L Logue reported that she had been working with Mrs Courtney Smith on the Messy Church Self Review.
The next planning meeting will be in August in readiness for a September meeting of Messy Church to coincide with the Malawi visitors being here.
Cafe Connect
Cafe Connect is still well attended. Mrs L Logue suggested that on 29th July a Cafe Church in Achnamara Hall might replace morning worship at Inverlussa. This suggestion was not approved but it was agreed that it might be considered when Inverlussa Church is no longer in use.
Mr D Logue reported that Alpha had developed into two streams – one where participants of previous courses continued to meet and one open to new participants. The venue for the next course commencing this Autumn has not yet been decided.
Letter from the General Trustees 21 June 2018
At a meeting on 12th June 2018 the General Trustees made the Determination set out in the annexation hereto.
Annexation referred to
In the case of the application of the Kirk Session of Knapdale congregation, the General Trustees
1) authorise the sale of the former Inverlussa church at such price and on such other terms and conditions as may be decided by them in consultation with the Kirk Session and (2) determine that the free proceeds of sale shall, subject to the operation of the Levy under Regulation 8 2008, be credited to the benefit of the congregation in the Consolidated Fabric Fund.
The Session Clerk will notify the General Trustees of the inaccuracies contained in the Determination.
Email from the Church of Scotland Rural Working Group 27 June 2018
There will be a Digital Footprint Conference on Saturday 4th August in Inverurie West Church. The Sanctuary First team will advise on using digital technology and social media to refresh, re-engage and recommit. The Rural Working Group will also be sharing their suite of new resources, including tips for governance and working with the General Trustees.
Rev Acklam advised that he still awaited his visa and was therefore unable to provide further details about his demission from this charge.
Although there had been an end of term service with Glassary School, there had been no development in the relationship with Tayvallich School.
Mrs N Kelly had submitted information on the Christian Aid Harvest Appeal. Every gift of £1 will become £5 thanks to funding from the European Union and will benefit projects in Burkina Faso, Honduras, Malawi and Ethiopia. Mr D Logue will take this forward to the joint Harvest service planned for the Malawi visit.
Nothing to report.
Notifiable Events
There were no notifiable events
Rev C Acklam attended the meeting of Presbytery on 5th June 2018. The new Moderator Rev Roderick Campbell was installed. Presbytery Elder, Mrs N Kelly will provide a further report at the next meeting of Kirk Session.
Treasurer & Finance
Mrs L Logue confirmed that transfers of funds had taken place as authorised. £70,000 being the balance of manse sale proceeds transferred to the Capital Account Growth Fund for fabric purposes and £20,000 to a similar account but for general congregational purposes. Disbursement of funds by BACS was discussed. The Session Clerk advised that a financial limit being part of a financial policy would be required to protect both the church and its treasurer.
It was agreed that cheques with dual signatories would continue to be used.
Nothing to report.
Mr A Cameron, Session Clerk stated that due to a change in family circumstances he would regretfully be resigning with effect from 6th July 2018. Both he and Mrs V Cameron would also move to the Inactive Elders List. Session noted with great appreciation Mr Cameron’s service as an elder, Fabric Convener from 1984 to 2011 and Session Clerk from 2011 to date.
Mrs V Cameron’s service as an elder was also greatly appreciated and particularly her great contribution to the life of the church through her music as organist since 1972 until the present.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Presbytery has instructed congregations to follow the Law Department’s guidelines on updating Data Protection policies and procedures in the light of GDPR. Congregations are required to appoint someone as a “lead” on data protection issues, read the available guidance and become familiar with what is involved to ensure compliance with the law. Mr D Logue agreed that he would act as lead in the short term.
Presbytery Representative Elder
The Kirk Session appointed Mrs Norma Kelly a bone fide acting elder of the Congregation to represent them in The Presbytery of Argyll during the year ending 30th June 2019.
Mr D Logue had attended a course in Dornoch to be trained in being an Interim Moderator. The Session Clerk asked Session to note that in the terms of the Vacancy Procedure Act, Section 6 Sub Section 1, an Interim Moderator “shall not be a member of the vacant charge nor a member of the Vacancy Procedure Committee.”
There was some discussion on short and long term building needs.
Tayvallich – There is an urgent need for a storage facility for the Messy Church equipment which is presently blocking rear pews and looks unsightly. There was no definite conclusion but it was likely that temporary screening would be best. Removal of further pews and the building of cupboards in the main worship area would not be allowed without the approval of 121 and consultation with the congregation.
The long proposed rear extension to Tayvallich church was also discussed. Mr A Cameron favoured a bolder plan than that envisaged some years ago – plans to be revisited.
Mrs Logue suggested that raised beds could be installed at the north end of Tayvallich churchyard. This would be involving Messy Church and hopefully members of the wider community. Session approved and the congregation will now be consulted.
Achnamara – Mr D Logue was concerned that with the impending sale of Inverlussa church we should make our future position clear to the Achnamara Hall Committee. The committee is currently working on the possible purchase of the hall site and some surrounding land. Mr A Cameron suggested that part of the site could be purchased by the church with a view to building a new church beside the redeveloped hall. The church could be a hall church used for worship and smaller meetings and the main hall used for sport and social gatherings. In the short term Session agreed that we should write a letter to the Hall Committee.
Summer Coffee Morning
Chrystine Livingston and Mrs Libby MacDonald have been working hard on the organisation of this event which will be on 21st July 2018 from 10.30 am until noon. Posters and new church information leaflets have been produced. Producers of publicity material were reminded to include the Church’s charity registration number.
Questionnaire on Local Community needs and Mission Priorities
This questionnaire issued by Presbytery has questions for both individuals and Kirk Sessions. The return is required by 17th August 2018. It was agreed that questions for individuals would be incorporated in the Order of Service leaflet and also that elders would consider their response to the questions for Kirk Sessions before the next meeting of Kirk Session.
The date of the next meeting will be Thursday 9th August 2018 at 7.30 pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.