Here are a couple of photos sent by Rev. Custom Kapombe of Kasamba Church, Malawi. Thank you all for your help in raising money to buy this food for our hungry friends.
The rains have been better recently so we are hoping for a harvest.
The Chalmers Lectures 2017 will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Doug Gay. The theme this year is the future of the Church of Scotland.
The Lectures are free to attend at St. Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh or you can watch them on line in the comfort of your own home.
1 February 6:30 pm – Walls without Church
8 February 6:30 pm – Call and Response
15 February 6:30 pm – Grand Designs
For more details please see the flyer below:
A message from the children’s home where Rebecca worked in Malawi……. Yamikani child care institution. You can find out more on Facebook.
At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Pier House, Tayvallich on 16th November 2016 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mrs Valerie Cameron, Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Libby MacDonald and Miss Ealasaid Mackay.
Apologies were received from Mrs Norma Kelly and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
Apologies were also received from Mr Russell Anderson, Fabric Convener and Mrs Marjorie Drysdale.
The minutes of the meeting of 4th October 2016 were approved
Proposed by Miss Ealasaid Mackay
Seconded by Mr David Logue
The minutes of the meeting of 23rd October 2016 were approved
Proposed by Mrs Libby MacDonald
Seconded by Mrs Valerie Cameron
There was further discussion regarding the style of advertising for meetings of the Kirk Session. All future advertisements will refer to Kirk Session and not as Trustees Meetings as previously suggested. Advertisements will continue to state that meetings are open to all. Agendas for meetings will be published and made available in church one week before the proposed meeting. Minutes will also be published and made available but subject to the editing of sensitive material.
Mr A Cameron advised that correspondence had now been received from the General Trustees regarding the sale of this building. It is now clear that we must close the church and strip it of its contents before it can be exposed for sale. Since the correspondence dealing with the closure has been wrongly addressed and sent to the former Clerk to the Congregational Board, nothing will happen until that situation is rectified.
It is probable, however, that Inverlussa Church will close after Easter 2017.
Mr D Logue suggested that a small committee be set up at the appropriate time to deal with the practicalities of the physical closure and also to have some input into the content of the final Service of Thanksgiving and Closure. This suggestion was accepted.
Letter dated 15th November 2016 from the General Trustees dealing with the disposal of Inverlussa Church. Since the letter has been addressed to the Congregational Board, replacement correspondence has been requested.
Rev Acklam reported that he had now resumed driving and thanked all who had helped him with transport over the last twelve months.
With regard to the proposed Pilgrimage Route, the local Ramblers Club are to assist with survey of the route.
Nothing to report
Nothing to report
Presbytery will meet at Tarbert on 6th December 2016.
Mrs Logue reported that a Finance Committee has been established.
Committee members are Mr Russell Anderson, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Fiona Oswald and Mrs Kim Ritchie. The committee may make recommendations to Kirk Session but will not have the power to effect changes without the approval of Kirk Session.
A written report was submitted by Mr R Anderson, the main features of which were :-
Inverlussa Church – no further work instructed at this time
Tayvallich Church – Mains water not yet connected but some progress has been made with the complex administrative process.
Bellanoch Church – Inspection of fixed electrical installation has been carried out.
Account received for external painting – £2,563.20 including VAT.
Church Bell repair – not yet carried out – an estimate is awaited.
Mr Cameron issued those present with their copy of the 2017 events calendar.
27th November 2016 First in Advent Communion at Inverlussa Church followed by Christmas Fayre in Achnamara Hall
Christmas Day Bellanoch Church at 11.00 am. This is a Joint service.
Morning Worship 2017 The time of Morning Worship will change to 10.00 am
Pulpit Supply Watchnight Service in Tayvallich – Pulpit Supply yet to be arranged.
Messy Church Attendances good. The meal will in future be eaten at the end of the meetings.
Cafe Connect Continues to be well supported. There is also to be a Carol Concert in Achnamara Hall on the evening of 22nd December 2016.
Alpha Course Mr & Mrs Logue are giving consideration to running a Alpha Course.
Website – Our new web address is
The date of the next meeting will be 11th January 2017 at 7.30pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.
Come and worship, pray and encounter God together.
An ecumenical event at Lochgilphead Baptist Church on Sunday 15 January at 6 for 6:30 pm.
Tea, coffee and cake,
We believe in the power of God to save the lost, heal the sick, restore lives, revive and renew the church.
Let’s begin the year as we mean to go on, united under the direction of the Holy Spirit to see a move of God in the West Coast!!
Find us on Facebook
This looks like a really interesting wee day out. Contact us if you would like to share transport.
Two key priorities for the church in Scotland are transitioning existing churches to missional mode and starting new…
Posted by Alan McWilliam on Saturday, 7 January 2017
The next meeting of the Kirk Session is on Wednesday 11 January at 7:30 pm in Tayvallich Church. Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting and join in with the discussions. Here is the agenda:
Opening Prayer
Minutes of the Meeting of 16th November 2016
Matters arising
Session Administration
Worship & Mission