Category Archives: Job vacancies

How you can be more involved…

This congregation has a lot of things going on – and the more people we have to do things – the more we can have going on!

You could be involved in all sorts d activities such as –

Welcoming people at the door for Sunday services

Making and serving drinks after Sunday  services

Putting the order of service sheet together

Cutting the grass at Tayvallich Church

Coming to Cafe Connect on Saturday mornings to get to know others in the parish and enjoy the chat, cakes and drinks.

Coming along to Messy Church to be on the hospitality team, meet families in the community, help out (or try out) with crafts. Be a part of a different way of “being Church”

What other ideas do you have for serving our community, to bring people together, to be “church without walls”? – young people, old people, any people??

Dont sit back and wait to be asked – talk to Cliff, David or any of the elders about what you might like to do.

Job vacancies

The Church of Scotland
Registered Scottish Charity SC001424
Hub-Style Ministries Co-ordinator Posts

The Presbytery of Argyll is seeking to appoint two Ministries Co-ordinators for one year period of experimentation in the South Argyll and North & East Argyll areas of Presbytery.
Presbytery invites applications from Auxiliary/OLM and Locum ministers, and members of congregations. The salary and expenses should be as for Ministry Development Staff Team Leader. As Ministry Development Staff, co-ordinators will follow the normal procedures for such posts and for local line management will be responsible to the convenor of the Ministries Committee of Presbytery.

Ministries Co-ordinator South Argyll
This is a one year full time post centred in Kintyre and will include the islands of Gigha, Islay and Jura.

Ministries Co-ordinator North and East Argyll
This is a one year 0.5FTE part-time post centred in this first instance in North East of the Presbytery including the charges in Taynuilt, Dalmally, Crianlaraich and Inveraray.

Please see below for more details of each post. Further information can be obtained from:
Rev David Mitchell (; 01700 811045)
Ms Marilyn Shedden (; 01583 421104).
Letters of application with Curriculum Vitae should be sent to the Presbytery Clerk by e-mail ( to arrive by Friday 27th October 2017.

Full Time Post – Ministries Co-ordinator South Argyll
This is a one year full time post centred in the vacant charges of Kintyre and will include the islands of Gigha, Islay and Jura.
Job Remit
 Co-ordinate the provision of worship, sacraments and pastoral care;
 Co-ordinate the scheduling and moderating of business meetings and mission;
 Co-ordinate a ministry team to include: coordinator, ministers, readers, local
worship leaders and others who may be identified;
 Facilitating the development and training of local worship leaders;
 Use their own gifts and skills to contribute to the work of the hub.
Personal and Professional Requirements
 Skills in administration;
 Skills in communication;
 Computer literate and experienced;
 Understanding of Church of Scotland structures, practices and procedures;
 For this first post, and period of experimentation, be an Auxiliary
Minister/Ordained Local Minister.

Part Time Post – Ministries Co-ordinator North and East Argyll
This is a one year 0.5 part-time post centred in this first instance in vacant charges in North East of the Presbytery including the charges in Taynuilt, Dalmally, Crianlaraich and also including Inveraray which has a minister in unrestricted tenure.
Job Remit
 Co-ordinate the provision of worship, sacraments and pastoral care.
 Co-ordinate the scheduling and moderating of business meetings and mission.
 Co-ordinate a ministry team to include: coordinator, ministers, readers, local
worship leaders and others who may be identified.
 Use their own gifts and skills to contribute to the work of the hub.
Personal and Professional Requirements
 Skills in administration
 Skills in communication
 Computer literate and experienced
 Understanding of Church of Scotland structures, practices and procedures.
 For this first post and period of experimentation may also work as locum in any of
the charges.