Kirk Session meetings are inclusive and anyone may attend whether or not they are a member of the church.
North Knapdale Church of Scotland
Kirk Session Meeting – 12th October 2018.
Tayvallich Church 7.30pm
1 Opening Prayer and Worship
2 Sederunt
3 Apologies
4 Minutes of meeting of the 19th September 2018. See notes
5 Matters arising:
Minute of 19th September:
5.1 Gift for Mr and Mrs Cameron
Items carried forward from previous meetings:
5.2 Audio visual equipment
5.3 Storage
5.4 Development of Tayvallich Church
6 Worship and Mission:
6.1 Service for Public Profession of Faith
6.2 “Shoebox” Service
6.3 Messy church
6.4 Alpha
7 Reports:
7.1 Minister
7.2 Stewardship
7.3 Safeguarding and Notifiable events
7.4 Presbytery
7.5 Treasurer and Finance Committee
7.6 Fabric
8 Correspondence:
8.1 Inverlussa Church Building
8.2 On line Training
8.3 Cross reach.
10 Date of next meeting
11 Close with Prayer