- Opening Prayer and Worship
- Sederunt
- Apologies
- Minutes of meetings of the 23rd March 2019 and 18th April 2019.
- Matters arising from the above minutes.
- Session Administration
- Review of Stated Annual Meeting 7.4.19
- Service calendar after closure of Inverlussa.
- Congregational Office Bearers:
- Health and Safety Co-ordinator
- GDPR co-ordinator.
- Worship and Mission:
- Messy Church
- Alpha Next.
- Presbytery Planning Meeting.
- Reports:
- Interim Moderator –
- Stewardship
- Safeguarding
- Notifiable events
- Treasurer and Finance Committee
- Fabric
10. Correspondence
- Inverlussa Church Building
- Any other correspondence
11. Date of next meeting
12.Close with prayer