Kirk session minutes 18 nov 2019

The meeting was opened with a reading from Micah, ch.6 v.8 and prayer led by the Interim Moderator, Rev Christine Fulcher

Sederunt:  Rev Christine Fulcher, Interim Moderator; Mr David Logue, Session clerk; Mrs Louise Logue, treasurer; Mrs  Libby MacDonald; Mrs Catherine Paterson.

Attending:   Mrs Catherine MacLennan

Apologies received from Mrs Norma Kelly, Ms Ealasaid Mackay

The minutes of meeting of the 23rd October 2019 were approved.   Proposed by Mrs Logue and seconded by Mrs MacDonald

Matters arising from the above minutes:

Audio visual equipment.    The equipment has been installed but has yet to be fully set up effectively.   Mrs Logue to seek advice on rectifying a problem with the laptop to screen connection.

Extension.   Mr Logue and Mr Russell Anderson had visited two architects and were visiting a third on the 19th November.   These visits are to discuss the services offered and the experience and initial proposals prior to appointing one as the architect for the project.

It was unanimously agreed that travel expenses could be claimed for travel in relation to these visits.

Blythswood Shoebox appeal.   A total of 14 boxes had been delivered from North Knapdale to the Blythswood appeal.

Worship and Mission:

Pastoral Care team:   Mrs Paterson reported that 8 people, all female, had agreed to take part in this.   She is preparing training material to commence in January, 2020, and will also invite relevant speakers as part of the training events.

Messy Church:   The Messy church party is organised for the 3rd December in Kilmartin Church

Alpha/ Alpha next.   Mrs Logue reported that it was intended that a new Alpha course will be advertised and run from January, 2020.

Refugio.   Mrs Logue and Mrs MacLennan reported that they had attended Refugio, (Christian Meditation), events in Greyfriars Church during the Heartedge Conference and found them helpful and uplifting.    Following encouraging conversations at the “Second Sunday Supper” they intend to introduce this type of meditation to North Knapdale.   In preparation for this, a training event led by the practitioners from Greyfriars will be arranged for January 2020 in the parish.   This will cover two four hour sessions on the 29th and 30th January 2019.   Details would be circulated to neighbouring congregations with an invitation to attend.

Second Sunday Supper/Cafe Church.   The second Sunday supper in Achnamara Hall in November was held as a Quiz Night using the Tearfund Materials.    This was a successful evening raising £409 for Tearfund and 41 people attended.    There will be no Second Sunday Supper in December and this will recommence in January 2020.

Cafe Church will be in Achnamara hall on the 29th December at 4.30pm.    This will have Christmas and New Year themes

Mission Development Plan.   There was a meeting of representatives from the five mid Argyll parishes to discuss the Mission Development Plan on the 5th November 2019.   One representative attended from each parish with Mr Logue attending from North Knapdale.  The purpose of the meeting was to discuss and agree the basis of a Job description for the Mission Development worker proposed for the area.

Prior to discussion on this the representative for Glassary Kilmartin and Ford notified the meeting that they had lodged an appeal to the Moderator of Presbytery against the decision that they could not call a minister to their Parish linked with North Knapdale.   The reason and impact of this was discussed and Mr Logue pointed out that this was a decision by Glassary Kilmartin and Ford and that the congregation of North Knapdale wished to proceed with the Mission plan bringing the five parishes together.

Rev Carruthers also raised some concern that the number of MDS posts available may be limited to 5.67 full time posts and so we may be unable to appoint to this.   He would however seek clarification of this.

Following discussion it was agreed that Rev. Carruthers would inform the Presbytery Planning convenor that Mid Argyll were progressing the Mission Plan and that, pending clarification of the number of the MDS posts and the outcome of the appeal by Glassary Kilmartin and Ford, it was agreed that the parishes would combine with some form of “Team ministry” structure with three full time posts, one, or more likely two, of which would be Ordained Minister posts certainly in the immediate future. The third post would primarily be focussed on “outreach” into the communities.  The next meeting of this group will be on the 2nd December 2019 at 10.30am in Lochgilphead Parish Church hall.

Remembrance service.    This had taken place at Barnluasgan memorial with 21 people attending.   Mr Logue suggested that in future years there could be more advertisement of this event.

 Winter Gathering.     This will be on the 7th December with craft stalls and with soup and sandwich lunch from 11.30am to 2.00pm in Achnamara Hall.   It is noted that the times given have changed since the entry in the previous Session Minutes.   There will be no Cafe Connect on that date.

 Service plan.   Mr Logue circulated an updated service plan from    December 2019 to April 2020.  It was noted that Rev Fulcher was leading worship on three Sundays over that period and that on February 16th 2020 she would lead a Communion service.


Interim Moderator:   Rev Fulcher reported that she was very pleased to be taking up the role of Interim Moderator for ourselves and Glassary Kilmartin and Ford.    She is currently also providing support as Interim Moderator to Skipness, Tarbert and Kilberry, and to Islay and Jura.

Session Clerk:   Mr Logue reported that he would be away from church for the following four Sundays. 

Presbytery – no report as there had not been a meeting.

Stewardship –  no report 

Safeguarding  – no report

Notifiable events No Notifiable events have occurred.

Treasurer and Finance Committee:   Mrs Logue raised a query over the rules on the payment of Pulpit Supply within a linked parish when either one or both parishes were covered by the person leading worship.   Following discussion it was agreed that Rev Fulcher would seek advice on the rules and notify Mrs Logue.

Health and Safety:   The session Clerk was asked to notify the Property Convenor that it was required that the Health and Safety audit and risk assessments for the two church building be completed by the end of December 2019.

Fabric;  No issues reported. 


Prayer Breakfast:   Notification had been received of the Presbytery Prayer breakfast on the 3rd December in the Stag Hotel, Lochgilphead at 7.30am.

Culture of invitation Roadshow:   This notification had only just been received by the Session Clerk through the “Mission News”  e-mails.    In view of the short notice no-one could attend from Session but it was hoped that it would be possible to attend any future events.

Date of next meeting   The next meeting will be on the 8th January 2020 at 7.30pm in Tayvallich Church.

The meeting was closed by praying “The Grace” together.

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