Kirk session minutes 24 April 2018

At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 24th April 2018 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mrs Norma Kelly, Miss Ealasaid Mackay and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
In Attendance Mrs Marjorie Drysdale and Mr Kenny Wilson, Presbytery Youth Worker.
Apologies were received from Mrs Valerie Cameron, Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue and Mrs Libby MacDonald.
The Minutes of the Kirk Session Meeting of 7th March 2018 were approved.
Proposed by Miss Ealasaid Mackay
Seconded by Mrs Catherine Paterson
Preparation of Electoral Register – As the Presbytery Plan is under revision, all vacancies will be sisted until the plan is agreed. We will further update the Electoral Register prior to the election of a Nominating Committee.
The Columba Experience
Mr Kenny Wilson outlined the thinking behind the project. Although the idea of a youth pilgrimage is not new, the plan had so far met with great enthusiasm. The walk will take place in the last week of June 2018 and follow the route taken by the Port Ban group in 2017. The group will be comprised of twelve young people between the ages of 16 and 24 plus leaders and a photographer, making a total of 18. Kenny suggested that members of the congregation might wish to provide accommodation as the group passed through this parish. Participants will be drawn from all over Scotland but applications from Argyll based young people will be encouraged.
Pulpit Supply
During the Minister’s absence on leave, the arrangements are
Sunday 29th April  Morning Worship Tayvallich Mr James MacLellan
Sunday 6th May Morning Worship Inverlussa Mr James Malcolm
Year of Young People 2018
A special meeting was held in Tayvallich Church on 10th April 2018.
Participants completed a Health Check on how well our church relates to children and young people. Health Check Questionnaire There was a discussion on the results and Mr Logue’s analysis. It was agreed that we do need to have further meetings to specificallyO address the subject with particular focus on maintaining contact with the “post Messy Church” group.
The meeting was appreciative of the work which Mr Logue had put in to date.
Malawi Visitors
There will be a visit to Mid Argyll by five members of the Kasamba congregation in September. The Sundays affected will be 23rd and 30th September. A suggestion by Mr Logue that there should be a joint service was readily accepted with Lochgilphead Parish Church being the preferred venue.
Messy Church
Messy Church continues to be well supported. Some more volunteers would be beneficial.
Cafe Connect
Attendances at Cafe Connect are holding up very well.
Mr & Mrs Logue’s courses have proved successful and they are continuing with Alpha Next meetings.
Letter from Mission & Discipleship Council March 2018
Enclosing a new booklet titled Diverse Gender Identities and Pastoral Care. This arises from the 2016 General Assembly where a deliverance was proposed “to promote congregational learning and awareness of the issues transgender and gender non-conforming people experience, in order to better facilitate pastoral care”. The booklet was left with the elders for reading and circulation.
The Session Clerk reminded the meeting that the original Application for Authority to Sell had not been returned to the General Trustees because neither Kirk Session nor the Congregation agreed with Presbytery’s decision in relation to Inverlussa Church. Subsequently, however, at a Kirk Session meeting on 15th August 2017 and a Congregational Meeting on 1st October 2017 it was agreed that the building should be offered for sale. The General Trustees have now requested that an Application for Authority to Sell be returned to them. The Moderator and Session Clerk proceeded to sign the document in the face of the meeting. The matter will now go to the General Trustees Chairman’s Committee on 15th May and thereafter to Law Department to take forward the sale process.

Rev Acklam noted with regret the passing of two members of our congregation. Mr Terence Fitzpatrick of Achnamara on 28th March and Mrs Christina Carmichael of Tayvallich on 12th April.
Nothing to report.
Elizabeth Spiers led a Refresher Course for Kirk Sessions in Tayvallich Church on 18th March 2018.
Notifiable Events
There were no notifiable events
The next meeting of Presbytery will be on 5th June 2018. The new Moderator will be Rev Roderick Campbell.
Treasurer & Finance
Further to the discussion at the Stated Annual Meeting on the subject of movement of funds, Kirk Session authorises the Treasurer to move the balance of the monies received from the sale of the manse to the Capital Account Growth Fund. In addition, 50% of the balance of our locally held deposit account may also be transferred to the Capital Account Growth Fund.
Nothing to report.
24th April 2018
The inspection of congregational records took place this morning at Ardrishaig. The Session Clerk was happy to report that our records were fully compliant.
Safeguarding – Those who attended the course on Wednesday 18th April found it to be very valuable and appreciated its clear delivery by Mrs Elizabeth Spiers. The Safeguarding Handbooks can be accessed by clicking here.
Christian Aid Week runs from 13th to 19th May 2018.
Mrs N Kelly confirmed that she had received supplies of envelopes,posters and banners.
The date of the next meeting will be Tuesday 29th May 2018 at 7.30 pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.

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