Kirk Session Minutes 28 August 2018

1 The meeting was opened with Prayer and Worship
2 Sederunt: Mrs Libby Macdonald, Miss Ealasaid Mackay, Mrs Norma Kelly, Mrs Louise Logue, Rev Mr Cliff Acklam (Moderator), Mr David Logue (Session Clerk)
Attending: Mr Russell Anderson, (Property Convenor)
3 Apologies: Mrs Catherine Paterson
4 Minutes of meeting 9.8.18 – Carried forward to next meeting.
5 Development of Tayvallich Church Building:
The meeting considered the possibilities of developing the current Tayvallich Church building to be better designed to meet the needs of being an active church in the community.
There followed considerable productive discussion on the points as follows:
5.1 What are our needs?
The following ideas were discussed and proposed:
A space for meetings.
A space for Children’s work and crèche
A social space which offers a homely, comfortable and relaxing environment
A place for “Vestry Time” and quiet discussions.
An area at the back of the church partitioned from the main worship area but accessible through glazed units.
A balcony above to maintain capacity in the worship space.
An enlarged and opened up entrance to be more accessable and welcoming.
Eco-friendly and efficient heat and lighting.
One extra toilet
Improved Kitchen.
5.2 Consideration of any previous plans.
The current footprint of the building and the surrounding church land was displayed and the plan of the extension to Kilmenny church, which had been circulated previously for information was superimposed on the plan.
Also, a sketch plan based on the ideas drawn up by the previous Session Clerk which provided bigger floorplan and widened entrance was also superimposed on the current layout for information.
Plans previously drawn up by a John Peace, architect and Diana Maclaurin, Local Architect were also displayed.
These plans all had useful aspects to them and provided some ideas to take forward.
5.3 Financial position.
The church holds approximately £300,000 in reserves held for Fabric and some or all of this could be allocated to this project subject to Presbytery and General Trustees approval. However it was recognised that it would not be prudent to allocate all of this sum and a contingency should be held for future maintenance and development. Planning should include fundraising, seeking support from the local community and special events to promote the venture as providing a place of worship which the church and community can use effectively.
It was also recognised that the building should be of a high standard using quality fittings and furniture which will both last well and provide a comfortable environment.
5.4 Key items for a specification:
Following from the discussion on “Item 1 Needs” the key items to include in any specification would be, in no order of heirarchy:
A space for teas and coffees.
A space for meetings
A space suitable for crèche and children’s groups
A space which provides a comfortable and welcoming environment for social gatherings of young people, older people and all age gatherings such as Alpha, discussion groups and board games, etc.
An area for quiet discussion or counselling
An open and welcoming entrance area.
Storage for Messy Church Materials, for table and chairs, for catering equipment, filing cabinet etc.
Improved Kitchen facilities
A second toilet
Eco friendly and efficient heating and lighting.
5.5 Choice of Architect:
A number of Architects , both local and further afield were suggested for initial contact and informal discussion. The Session Clerk to take this forward initially.
It was also agreed to seek advice from Presbytery, CARTA, and the General trustees.
5.6 Working Group to take this forward.
It was agreed that a small group should be formed to take the project forward. Members of the group to be drawn from the church and the community. This group would meet at least monthly and report in to the Session.
A number of people were suggested as possible members and the
Session Clerk would approach them to ascertain interest. The majority of the group should be church members and will include the Session Clerk and the Property Convenor.
5.7 Next steps.
Session Clerk to write up a brief specification to discuss with potential architects and advisors based on item 4.
The Moderator to seek advice from the General Trustees
Session Clerk to approach those people suggested as possible members of the “Development subgroup” from Item 6.
Report to be taken to each Session Meeting
6 A.O.C.B – no other business had been submitted.
7 Date of next meeting : 19th September at 7.30pm in Tayvallich Church.
8 The meeting was closed in prayer by saying the grace together.

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