Kirk Session Minutes 29 May


  1. The meeting was opened with prayer led by the interim Moderator.
  2. Sederunt: Mrs Alison Hay, Interim Moderator; Mr David Logue, Session Clerk; Mrs Libby Macdonald, Mrs Catherine Paterson, Mrs Norma Kelly, Mrs Louise Logue; Mr Russell Anderson, Property Convenor
  3. Apologies were received from Ms Ealasaid Mackay
  4. Minutes of meetings of the 29th April 2019:The minutes of the meeting of the 29th April were taken as read and unanimously approved:  Proposed by Mrs Logue and seconded by Mrs Kelly.
  5. Matters arising from the above minutes:
    1. Audio Visual Equipment.    Mr Chris Tabraham has offered to take this forward.
    2. Extension of Tayvallich Church:  A pre planning application has been submitted to the Planning Department.
    3. Service Calendar:  The session Clerk reported that leaders for worship services were in place through until the end of October 2019
    4. Office Bearers:  Mrs Heather Anderson has taken on the role of GDPR co-ordinator.
    5. Mrs Hay reported that she has ordered Health and Safety toolkits for the Church buildings to be passed to the Property convenor.   It was agreed that Health and Safety will be a standing item on the agenda.
  6. Worship and Mission:
    1. Messy Church:   The final meeting for this session will be the Messy church picnic at Kilmartin.   Date to be arranged.
    2. Alpha:   The alpha next group are holding a “Second Sunday Supper at Achnamara Hall on the 9th June.   The people of Achnamara and the church congregation will be invited.
    3. Service for the Closure of Inverlussa Church.    This service had taken place led by Rev David Carruthers.   It was agreed that this had been a fitting and well received event as a final service of worship in this building.   54 people had attended.
  7. Reports:
    1. Interim Moderator:   The importance of current Health and Safety records and actions was stressed.
    2. Stewardship:  The collection for Christian Aid around the entire parish had been completed and well supported.   At this time approximately £600 had been received. There is a Stewardship road show on “A narrative of Generosity” in Oban on the 11th of June.    Mrs Paterson and Mrs Logue expressed interest in attending.   
    3. Safeguarding:   The May 2019 newsletter has been received by the Coordinator.
    4. Notifiable  events:   Nothing to report 
    5. Treasurer and Finance Committee:  No report to this meeting.
    6. Fabric:   A small shed has been erected at Tayvallich for the Grass cutting equipment.  
  8. Correspondence:
    1. Inverlussa Church Building:    Confirmation has been received in an e-mail from the lawyers to the General Trustees that the sale of Inverlussa church building is completed on the 28th May 2019 and the money transferred into our account held by the General Trustees.Mr Logue will hold the key until requested by the purchaser.The Communion Table, font, lectern, vacuum cleaner, Christmas Tree and small table have been removed to the Tayvallich Church for consideration for disposal.
    2. Any other correspondence: None reported
  9. Date of next meeting:   The next meeting will be at Tayvallich Church on the 10th July at 7.30pm.
  10. The meeting was closed with prayer.

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