At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 7th March 2018 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Libby MacDonald, Miss Ealasaid Mackay and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
Apologies were received from Mrs Valerie Cameron, Mrs Norma Kelly and Mrs Marjorie Drysdale.
The Minutes of the Kirk Session Meeting of 24th January 2018 were approved.
Proposed by Mrs Catherine Paterson
Seconded by Mrs Libby MacDonald
Email from Mission & Discipleship Council 27th February 2018
Notifying us of a survey on Youth and the Church to be completed by 31st March 2018. This will be advertised to the congregation through the notices.
Rev Acklam provided an update on his anticipated departure. He still awaits his work visa for USA and was therefore unable to provide a date for demission at this time. He also provided an update on recent pastoral visits.
Nothing to report.
Mr Logue had contacted Elizabeth Spiers regarding refresher courses. He would now suggest the possible dates of 12th, 18th April or 8th May and the venue to be Tayvallich Church at 7.00 pm.
Notifiable Events
As a result of recent abuse cases in the international aid sector, OSCR has requested that charity trustees include both Safeguarding and Notifiable Events as agenda items. Examples of Notifiable Events are listed in Appendix 1 to these minutes. There is no legal requirement to report a Notifiable Event but it should be regarded as best practice to do so. There are no Notifiable Events to report at this time.
Rev Acklam reported on the meeting of Presbytery held on 6th March 2018. Increases in Pulpit Supply Fees and travel costs had been announced. The Examination of Congregational records would take place in Ardrishaig Church Hall on 24th April 2018. Services of Introduction had taken place for the new Hub Style Ministry Co-ordinators. The Youth work Report contained information on future events including summer camp between 29th July and 3rd August 2018 and a Columba’s Way walk by youth worker, Kenny Wilson between 24th and 30th June 2018.
Treasurer & Finance
The Finance Committee will meet on 18th March 2018 prior to the Stated Annual Meeting.
Mr Cameron reported on behalf of Mr Anderson.
Inverlussa Church – Plaster repairs had been completed and gravel had been laid on the approach to the front gate.
In view of the anticipated vacancy in this parish, the Session Clerk has prepared the Electoral Register. Intimation will be made at all three churches so that any regular worshipper whose name is not already included may make application to have their name added to the register.
Mr D Logue advised that he had put his name forward to be trained as an Interim Moderator within Argyll Presbytery.
Easter Services 2018
Thursday 29th March – Maundy Communion – Tayvallich 7.00 pm. Friday 30th March – Good Friday Meditations – Bellanoch 7.00 pm Sunday 1st April – Early Easter Service – Keills Chapel 9.00 am MrDLogue
Breakfast in Tayvallich Hall if available
Easter Celebration – Tayvallich 11.30 am
Messy Church
Attendances continue to be good. A pictorial timetable will be introduced for those children who would benefit from it!.
There is to be a Messy Church Open Day at A‘Chleit Church on 23rd June 2018.
The third group has now started it’s meetings. There is also an Alpha Next group which has had one meeting so far.
Cafe Connect
Cafe Connect will take place during Easter weekend on Saturday 31st March.
Mr & Mrs Logue attended the roadshow event in Dumbarton on Saturday 17th February 2018 to provide training in connection with The Year of Young People 2018 initiative. As there is a considerable amount of information arising from this event, it was agreed that Kirk Session would meet on 10th April to discuss this topic.
Coffee Morning 14th April 2018
Volunteers are urgently required and particularly someone who would be able to co-ordinate activities.
Malawi Twinning
Five members of the Kasamba congregation are to visit Mid Argyll between 20th September and 5th October 2018. Plans are now being formulated for events during the visit.
The date of the next meeting will be Wednesday 10th April 2018 at 7.30 pm in Tayvallich Church. The sole item of business will be the Church and the Year of Young People. Kirk Session will meet for normal business on Wednesday 24th April 2018 at 7.30 pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.