Kirk session minutes 9 August 2018

At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 9th August 2018 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator Rev Cliff Acklam followed with praise by all singing Hymn 555 from CH4, Amazing Grace.
Moderator, Rev Cliff Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr David Logue, Elders, Mrs Libby Macdonald, Mrs Norma Kelly, Mrs Catherine Paterson, Mrs Louise Logue,
In Attendance; Mrs Alene Gardner, Mrs Marjorie Drysdale.
Apologies :
Ms Ealasaid Mackay, Mr Russell Anderson.
Minutes of the Meeting of 4th July and 15th July 2018.
The minutes of the 4th July 2018 were approved as read:
proposed by Mrs Libby MacDonald,
seconded by Mrs M Drysdale.
One addition to the minute was agreed:
Page 2 of 6 final paragraph, first sentence of section on Worship and Mission to read:
“Mr Logue reported that Alpha had developed into two streams – one where participants of previous courses continued to meet weekly, to which all elders are also warmly invited, and one open to new participants”
The minutes of the meeting of the 15th August were approved as read:
Proposed by Mrs L Logue.
Seconded by Mrs C Paterson
Matters arising
Raised Beds: It was agreed that this should be progressed and Mrs Logue agreed to take this forward.
YOYP Summary: A summary of the outcomes from the event of the meeting in April in Tayvallich Church on the Year of Young People had been included in the Service Leaflet on the 22nd of July 2018. There have been no comments received by elders on the content of this summary. It was agreed that this should be included in the Service leaflets over the next three Sundays at Bellanoch on the 12th August, Tayvallich on the 19th August and Inverlussa on the 26th August. The Rev Acklam will draw the congregation’s attention to this information during these services. The information will also be posted on the Church website.
There were no other matters arising.
Worship & Mission
Presbytery Questionnaire:
The eight completed questionnaires received from the congregation were discussed fully and noted by those present. Further discussion provided information from the Kirk session to be submitted to Presbytery. It was agreed that the suggestions made from the survey to the congregation and from the survey to the Kirk session be submitted to Presbytery without further analysis or comment.
Messy Church: This would be recommencing in September following a planning meeting at a date to be decided. A letter giving details of a review of Messy Church has been distributed to all Messy church volunteers with a view to developing this initiative further. It was agreed that this letter be circulated also to elders.
Cafe Connect: this continues to be well supported and valued.
Alpha: A new Alpha course will commence in the Autumn. The “Alpha Next” group starts to meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from the 14th August following a short break. Consideration will be given by this group to either meet in the church building or split into two groups if numbers are regularly too high to meet in homes.
Pace of Hymns: It was agreed that Mrs Paterson, organist, would encourage the congregation to increase the pace of the singing of hymns.
Relational Mission re-imagined – The Mission and Discipleship Council are planning a training event on the 6th October 2018 for those working with children and young people. Details are available on the Church of Scotland Website and will be circulated.
A request was received from Achnamara Village Hall for assistance from the Church in funding the purchase and installation of Defibrillator Equipment to be sited at Achnamara Hall. It was agreed that it would not be appropriate that donations given to the church be used to purchase this equipment. It was agreed that the church would be pleased to partner with the Hall in running a fund raising event, and also that the congregation would be invited to make individual donations towards this purchase of equipment.
Proposed sale of Inverlussa Church Building – The General Trustees had notified the Session Clerk that the Church building was to be valued by DM Hall and that a visit would take place on the 2nd August 2018. Mr Scott Hughes of Greenbox would also visit the building at a date to be specified to carry out the mandatory Energy Performance Certificate. The General Trustees were also pursuing information on the local landowner of the area around the church for wayleaves for water and drainage.
The Minister addressed comments from the congregation, which had been received by some elders, including one letter, which raised concerns by them on the praise content of the service held on the 5th August. The Rev Mr Acklam pointed out that the responsibility for the content of Worship lies with the Minister
He noted that the reasons for his inclusion of new praise songs using recorded material was that; this was a reflection on the Church’s commitment to the Year of Young People, that the General Assembly this year had stressed the need for churches to try out new things, that the church should be looking for ways to adapt to changing culture if it is to survive, and also that he had been informed that there would be at least six teenagers present in the congregation on that day. It was agreed by all that the technical equipment and provision was inadequate.
This was a short section in an otherwise traditional service and was well received by visiting young people.
Several elders raised comments from some who had attended that it is important that the preferences of the more traditional members of the congregation be considered as it is important that the style of praise music reflect all members of the congregation.
Several members had commented positively on the music provided by Mr C. Tabraham at the previous service in Inverlussa.
It was agreed that the Session Clerk would seek advice from the Church Offices on what form of suitable equipment could be incorporated into the Tayvallich Church building to facilitate worship.
Mr Logue and Mrs MacDonald raised their concerns over individual elders carrying out home visits to people living on their own.
Stewardship – no report
Safeguarding: Mr Logue reported that the July edition of Safeguarding News had been received. The Safeguarding Officer advised that as he has taken on the role of Session Clerk it would be more appropriate if another person became the Safeguarding Officer. He agreed to circulate to the elders the main functions and responsibilities of Safeguarding Officer.
Notifiable Events: nothing to report
Presbytery: Mrs Kelly reported on the June meeting of Presbytery.
Presbytery met for the ordination of the new Moderator, Rev R Campbell, which included a meditation, and a tribute to the Minister retiring from Islay.
Items of business included:
A Chaplain to farmers is to be appointed
The post of Property Consultant is to be advertised
The Questionnaire on Mission and Discipleship was discussed.
David Carruthers is now Presbytery treasurer.
Fees for pulpit Supply have been increased from 1 January 2018.
Training on taking Funerals and also Leading Worship are to be arranged.
Treasurer & Finance Committee: The Coffee morning raised £988.
Fabric: Work was still be carried out on the woodwork at the door of Tayvallich Church building.
Session Administration:
Safeguarding Officer:
David Logue requested that consideration to be given to someone else taking on this role along with the lead role on GDPR.
Members role: Mrs Logue agreed to take on the management of the Electoral Roll from the Session Clerk
Recently retired Session Clerk and Elder/organist: It was agreed that donations would be requested from the congregation for the purchase of a gift for Mr and Mrs Cameron in recognition of their extremely valuable and long service to the church.
Correspondence received;
The Rev. Mr Acklam pointed out that correspondence received by members of the Kirk Session from the congregation in relation to Church business should be forwarded to the Minister and Session Clerk as soon as practicable for consideration for inclusion in the next Session agenda where appropriate. The minister is responsible for matters relating to the style and content of worship.
Church Buildings
Inverlussa and Achnamara Hall:

It was agreed that the Minister would make enquiries as to whether the final service at the closure of Inverlussa Church would be led by Presbytery or North Knapdale.
It was agreed that the Session Clerk write to the Achnamara Hall Committee requesting a meeting to discuss the use of the Hall for Church Services following the closure of the Inverlussa Church building.
Development plans for Tayvallich Church.
It was agreed that this would be deferred to the next meeting.
Storage in Tayvallich Church:
It was agreed that the Session clerk would research the availability and cost of a suitable wooden or similar storage structure for the materials currently stored in the back pews and in the Vestry. The Rev Cliff Acklam offered to have the Messy Church materials stored in the Manse on a temporary basis
Insurance renewal checklist: Mrs Logue reported that this check list would be completed by her and Mr Anderson, Property Convenor, on behalf of the Session. The purpose of the check list is to ensure that changes to the buildings are appropriately notified to the Insurers.
Social Events.
Coffee Morning:
Mrs Logue reported that she and Dr. Livingston would welcome ideas for next year. They had decided to have a children’s sales table rather than a “Lucky Dip” and to replace the “Guess the Birthday” with a “Guess the Cake weight”. Thanks were expressed to the member who had for many years donated the soft toy prize for this event. Rev Cliff Acklam thanked all who had been involved in the organisation and running of this successful coffee morning.
A.O.C.B. – None raised
Date of Next Meeting:
The next meeting is on the 28th August at 7.30pm at Tayvallich Church.
The principal item for this meeting will be the development of Tayvallich Church Building. The meeting was closed by saying the Grace together.

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