North Knapdale Parish Church Kirk Session 24th January 2018

At a meeting of the Kirk Session in Tayvallich Church on 24th January 2018 the meeting was constituted in prayer by the Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam.
The meeting replaced that scheduled for 23rd January 2018.
Present were Moderator, Rev Clifford Acklam, Session Clerk, Mr Alan Cameron, Elders, Mr David Logue, Mrs Louise Logue, Mrs Libby MacDonald, Miss Ealasaid Mackay and Mrs Catherine Paterson.
Apologies were received from Mr Russell Anderson, Mrs Valerie Cameron and Mrs Norma Kelly.
The Minutes of the Kirk Session Meeting of 28th November 2017 were approved.
Proposed by Mrs Louise Logue Seconded by Miss Ealasaid Mackay
Email from the Presbytery Clerk
Extract Minute from the Presbytery meeting of 5th December 2017 at Kames. Presbytery noted the decision of North Knapdale to sell Inverlussa Church. Presbytery confirmed that it granted permission to North Knapdale to sell Inverlussa Church.
Presbytery recommended that Inverlussa Church be included in the current pilot being trialled by the General Trustees, that is, the building is not closed immediately but may be used by the congregation until a sale has been agreed upon with a potential buyer.
Email from the Clerk to the General Trustees 19th December2017
inter alia The next Board meeting of the General Trustees will be on 30th January 2018. A formal Determination to Sell will be sought at this meeting. Thereafter, Law Department will be free to commence the marketing process.
Rev Acklam advised that he would be taking up a new position as Interim Minister of the United Presbyterian Church of Middletown NY, USA. He was not yet in a position to confirm the date of his departure as he still awaits his visa. He also confirmed that the Vacancy Procedure Committee was aware of the situation. There would be no action on the part of the VPC until the date of his departure and demission was confirmed.
There was nothing to report.
Mr D Logue confirmed that he would be arranging a refresher course for elders and Messy Church helpers.
Presbytery met at Kames Church on 5th December 2017. Rev Acklam stated that it had been an interesting meeting and that he had particularly enjoyed hearing from Rev Albert Bogle about his work with Sanctuary First, the first Church of Scotland “On line church”.
Treasurer & Finance
Session received and approved the Financial Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2017.
Proposed by Mrs Libby MacDonald
Seconded by Mrs Catherine Paterson
Mrs L Logue was thanked for the work which she does as Treasurer and the high quality of her presentation.
Mr Cameron reported on behalf of Mr Anderson.
Inverlussa Church – Mr I Coles has repaired the loose plasterboard under the belfry area and replaced some light bulbs. He will return to replace approximately 1 metre of grass at the entrance gate with gravel to reduce the “skid risk”.
Tayvallich Church – The mains water is now connected. A new under sink water heater and kitchen base and wall units have been installed and are working well.
Bellanoch Church – The bell rope has been re-secured and the bell is working again.
General – All gutters to be cleaned at all buildings.
It was decided that cushion floor type material should be fitted at Inverlussa for the children’s play area. Mr Cameron to issue instructions.
The following records were duly attested :-
Communicants’ Roll
Supplementary Roll
Baptismal Register
Safeguarding Register
The date of the Stated Annual Meeting of North Knapdale Congregation is set as Sunday 18th March 2018 after morning worship at Tayvallich Church.
It was agreed that the following retiring offerings would be held during 2018 Easter Children’s Hospice Association Scotland
Harvest M.O.M.A.
Remembrance Poppyscotland
Christmas EMBRACE the Middle East
Morning Worship Sunday 28th January 2018
This service in Tayvallich Church will include the baptism of three children.
World Day of Prayer
After some discussion, it was decided that there would not be a service in this parish but that we would support any service taking place elsewhere in the local area.
Messy Church
Well supported and the Christmas Party was much enjoyed. There is now a donations box in place at events for voluntary contributions to running costs. Parents may run a coffee morning to raise funds for the recent national request for financial support.
Two “taste & see” sessions were held in Tayvallich Church. Mr and Mrs D Logue were pleased to advise that four additional people wished to attend the Tayvallich based course which will commence with a lunch time session on Monday 29th January 2018. Two sessions remain to complete the Achnamara based course.
There will be a roadshow event in Dumbarton on Saturday 17th February 2018 to provide training in connection with The Year of Young People 2018 initiative.
Coffee Mornings
Tayvallich Village Hall will be booked for the following Church Coffee Morning dates :-
Saturday 14th April 2018
Saturday 21st July 2018
The date of the next meeting will be Wednesday 7th March 2018 at 7.30 pm in Tayvallich Church.
The meeting was closed by saying the grace together.

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