The Local Church Review:
The Review Questionnaire was gone through in detail and a response collated from suggestions made by various members.
The Full response is available with this note and on the Church website by clicking here
Sale of Inverlussa Church
The Moderator noted that he had received correspondence from the General Trustees Law department concerning the valuation of Inverlussa Church.
The Session Clerk had followed this up by phone for clarification, and had received an e-mail from the lawyer dealing with this matter setting out 3 courses of action open to North Knapdale Church, as the sellers, in relation to the potential requirement for any buyer to negotiate with local landowners over private water, drainage and sewage services.
Following discussion the meeting unanimously agreed that the Church of Scotland Law department be notified that North Knapdale Kirk session ask that Course of action number 1 be progressed as this would reduce delay in marketing the building and would put the responsibility for any negotiations with local landowners for water and drainage access in the hands of the buyer rather than the Church of Scotland.
Visit from Kasamba Congregation
The moderator confirmed that 4 members of Kasamba congregation will visit Mid Argyll from the 21st September to the 5th October at the invitation of the Mid Argyll Churches Malawi Twinning Group. The Session Clerk outlined the key items on the itinerary for the visit and asked for support with hospitality and accommodation.
Harvest Service.
It was agreed that the service for Harvest thanksgiving would be held at Tayvallich Church on the 14th October. Gifts of fresh food would be given to
Ardfenaig aged people home, and preserved food would be donated to Moving on Mid Argyll. A retiring offering will be taken for Christian Aid.
In view of time constraints it was agreed to carry forward the remaining items on the Agenda to the next meeting.
The next meeting will be held at Tayvallich Church at 7.30pm on Friday the 12th October 2018.
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