The Columba experience

Are you between 16 and 24 years old?
Are you keen to share your Christian faith with others?
Are you fit and healthy?
Can you swim?

If all of the above apply to you, then this new Summer Adventure to mark The Year of Young People may be right up your street.
In the last week of June this year a team of 12 young Christians will help to re-establish the ‘missing’ leg of The Columba Way, one of Scotland’s new long distance walkways and they will do it in style. They will follow in the footsteps of St Columba who was the first person to bring the good news of Jesus to the land we now know as Scotland. In doing so he experienced quite a few challenges and during this week-long trek this cohort of 12 young Christians will face challenges that emulate some of the things that Columba faced. They will be crossing lochs and sea, climbing hills, helping the communities that they will be passing through and walking for long stretches of time each day. On their trek they will also be sharing their faith with some of the people whom they encounter along the way. Using the tools and context of today’s world the team will also be blogging, giving interviews and collecting data as they go and facing other challenges too.
For those chosen to participate, the cost will be minimal so… if this kind of challenge floats your boat, for more details contact Kenny Wilson on asap.

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